Why is the Government Covering Up the Truth?

Written by Grant Cameron
Sunday, 09 August 2009 01:42
The Reasons Why the Government Might Have Chosen not to Disclose the ET Reality

I think there is a general agreement within the UFO community that UFO disclosure on the part of the government would be a good idea. Many researchers are therefore somewhat distressed that the government has made few open indications of any disclosures any time soon. There is, however, a disconnect between what is viewed as the apparent best course of action, and what is happening.

In the many lectures I have given on the President and his role in the UFO cover-up I have been often asked, why the government has chosen to cover-up the ET presence from the people.

To answer this question I looked back on the administration of two presidents. The first was Gerald Ford who demanded a congressional investigation into UFOs when he was a congressman, and then who went completely silent on the subject once he became President. The second is Jimmy Carter who came into the White House after making the promise that he would release the UFO files once elected. He like Ford never uttered the word UFO once while in office.

I have always believed that disclosure will come with extreme pressure on the government. This is the way it has happened with all major political and social shifts of the past. Rarely, if ever, has a politician come up with a good idea to advance society, and then had all members of the House and Senate jump in and pass it. Usually they are brought kicking and screaming to enact legislation such as the “fiscal cliff” problem where pressure will be exerted by voters and the consequences of doing nothing.

UFO disclosure, just because it is deemed a good idea for society, will not be given a free ride inside Congress. Nor should it. UFO disclosure is in competition with many important issues such as childhood cancer, poverty, and crime being promoted by many public interest groups.

In viewing the actions of government I think it is important to remember that the points below are talking about how the government (not a normal average American citizen) might think. For example an average citizen would use logic and see no threat where the government would. In Iraq and Afghanistan the White House saw an imminent threat to the United States from a population that had no weapons of mass destruction, no planes, no water and electricity in most of the country. Yet American military forces had high tech fighters flying over the country many times a day shooting at anything they deemed to be a threat. The military saw a bigger threat than the average American citizen. Danger is a relative term.

A similar example would be the handling of the security situation in the country following 911. Government security officials developed a system of yellow, orange, red alerts. Based on the same intelligence agencies that produced bad Iraqi War intelligence, the color of the light would be changed at a wimp representing a different level of security threat. There was no obligation to justify any change in the color alert.

Historically, in almost every case, the government is dragged kicking and screaming to ever important advance in society. Some examples would be:

Women’s Right to Vote began in 1848 when the first Woman’s Rights Convention was held, but it was not until there were large demonstrations outside the White House, where 500 women were imprisoned, that woman got the right to vote in 1920. Women were not handed the vote. The vote came after 75 years of struggle. Even with the right to vote, most problems women faced did not disappear. Progressive change is a gradual process.

Both large and high profile demonstrations by Greenpeace activists have stopped US and French nuclear testing, radioactive waste dumping at sea, and generated a general ecological awareness by many nations. Our ideas of recycling and protecting the environment came after years of pressure on politicians.

Gay rights was driven by many large marches on the Mall in Washington DC. Again, like women’s rights the gay lobby will admit many problems still exist.

Money for aids research came after great pressure exerted from within the gay and Hollywood communities.

The decision to end the Vietnam War came after years of demonstration on campuses and various U.S. cities.

Our present government is no more willing to make the move for disclosure than our past leaders were to let African-Americans and women vote, or to recognize gays. Enough people must support the issue until it becomes a powerful voting block. Then politicians who must get reelected begin to listen.

The reason by the forces that control the cover-up might be one (or a combination) of the following points.

1. Complexity: The ET presence is not a simple story such as “they are here.” All collected evidence points to the fact that the final story will be very complex and possibly multi dimensional. The more researchers study the phenomena the more visiting races there appear to be, and the more complex their technology looks. It appears to be far beyond what we know or can even comprehend.

Recent UFO research announcements have continued to show a phenomenon that is constantly changing and becoming more complex. In the U.K. for example a series of “crop circles” began in the 1980s. It was a completely new aspect to the point that some considered it a new phenomenon in itself. It has developed into a complex new dimension of the UFO mystery.

Similarly, Mexican UFO researchers have begun to document on video sightings of small white orb UFOs that have been flying over populated areas, such as around the Mexico City airport. When the phenomenon was first recognized the objects were seen in groups of 2- 8, but recent films show grouping that number into the hundreds.

The most recent films have also shown some sort of serpents like white objects flying through the sky dropping off white, red, and blue spheres. Thousand of films have been made of these objects.

2. National Security: Jimmy Carter entered the White House determined to release the UFO files, inspired by the fact he himself had had a sighting. However, after a UFO briefing Carter changed teams joining the cover-up side. He told actress Shirley MacLaine “it was true…there were occupants,” and that he wanted to “shine the sunshine laws on it to see how the people would react,” but he “couldn’t and wouldn’t.”

Carter spelled out that if the subject involved “national security” he wouldn’t release that material. Therefore anything that the would tie into threat to the security of the nation would be reason for Carter to keep quiet. Carter stated,

I don’t see any reason to keep information like that secret but there may be some aspect of the UFO information with which I am not familiar that might be related to some secret experiments that we doing that might involve our national security –our new weapons systems. I certainly wouldn’t release that. But if it was something removed from our national security, in my opinion as President I would go ahead and release that. I see nothing wrong with that.

Research attorney Peter Gerston stated “officials simply do not disclose secret information whether it be in the interests of national security or in their own vested interests.””

3. Don’t Know What To Do: The cover-up may simply be a case of the government not knowing what to do about the ET situation. They might be simply covering up their ignorance.

Wilbert Smith, who headed up the Canadian government investigation into flying saucers from 1950-1954, said “The only reason that those in authority have said nothing about it is that they simply don’t know what to do about it. ”

This not knowing what to do led to a situation inside the Canadian government of helplessness. Wilbert B. Smith stated, “Fact is when certain government officials came face to face with the reality of the space people, and realized there was nothing they could do about it, they promptly closed their eyes and hoped the whole thing would go away.”

4. Fear: The President and other high officials might simply afraid. Afraid to deal with the issue. When President Clinton and his executive branch people took over the government in 1993, Dr. Steven Greer obtained an inside opportunity to brief Congressman Dan Burton, the chairman of the powerful House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. Burton was very interested in the UFO case that was being made by Greer. He asked Greer for everything that he had on the subject.

One year later Burton had backed off his UFO quest after he and his chief aid experienced some strange surveillance indications. On an interview with Art Bell on the radio show “Coast to Coast” Greer stated that Burton had now become like everyone else in government – afraid of dealing with the issue. “The problem is no one wants to act,” said Greer. “They’re not acting because they are afraid.”

Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 astronaut commented on the reason for the secrecy based on information that had been shared with him by old timers familiar with the intelligence factors related to the UFO cover-up. Mitchell said there is a very simple reason why governments have been so secretive: fear.

5. In-House Secrecy: The government, particularly the executive branch of the government would like to deal with the issue in secrecy. In the early years of government involvement, the government dealt with the UFO issue in part by the use of a public investigation – Project Blue Book. The whole project turned out to be a public relations nightmare where the government was forced to deal publicly with every UFO sighting, and other non-related items that people believed were related to the phenomena.

It is much easier to deal with an issue, especially one where there is no road map, in secrecy where dirty laundry and mistakes can be handled outside the scrutiny of media and the public. It is simply easier to deal with the issue in the black world than with everyone watching.

6. Alien Cover-up: The aliens are covering up as well. They appear to be using what some researchers call a “leaky embargo.” They present themselves but in a way that proof can not be confirmed. Instead of landing and announcing they are here, they fly beside aircraft for a number of minutes, or pass messages to lone individuals who take the message to the world.

The aliens could land on the White House lawn anytime they wanted and make themselves known. The aliens have refused to directly announce their presence, and this forces hesitation on behalf of the government.

If the aliens won’t announce, why should the government go first? The government is waiting to see what the ultimate goal of the aliens is. This directly ties into the many reports of Milabs where some  abduction witnesses report being reabducted by military people, drugged and interrogated, and asked to relate what the aliens told them and what the aliens are up to.

7. Alien Masters: The aliens are in fact in charge. There is nothing the government can do. The aliens directly control everything related to their presence and how much they disclose of their presence on Earth. The fact the government is helpless is something the government could never admit publicly.

Government files illustrate a number of disturbing UFO sighting reports that show “hostile actions” by the aliens. Does the government want to announce this to the public, especially if the government can not control events?

8. Government Gridlock: The announcement of an ET presence on earth would be front page news for months. It would stymie and dominate the government’s every action and not allow it to carry out any of its planned business. It would be Monica Lewinsky situation times 1000.

Agencies like NASA would become irrelevant overnight. The government would face the question of why they continued to fund NASA when they knew the primate space efforts were a waste of taxpayer money.

9. Population Resistance: The government knows that the population is not ready to deal with aliens. It is conceivable that a certain percentage of citizens would not accept the alien presence and would in fact attack the aliens.

This is something that the government would have a hard time controlling as American citizens have a constitutional right to bear arms. The aliens might be seen as invaders or agents of the devil “in sheep’s clothing.”

Any attack against the aliens might result in a counterattack causing massive damage on the country. (This point, however, is good news, as it shows the aliens could never take over no matter what advanced technology they had. They would end up bogged down in a Vietnam style quagmire like the one facing the United States today in Afghanistan.)

10. People Don’t Care: In the last 57 years the President has only faced the UFO question twice. In the 2004 election there was not a single UFO related question to one of the two major candidates. The people therefore do not see the UFO-ET presence as a key issue. Why would the government risk all the potential fall outs for an issue that no one cares about?

11. Past Statements: The government has lied for almost 60 years and thus must continue the lie. One lie has been used to cover another and it is becoming impossible to come clean. The government must first come up with a way to explain they have been misleading the public for 57 years.

12. Collapse in Belief Systems: This would be particularly evident among government scientists and engineers who would have to deal with the fact that their employer has been lying to them and feeding them false data, and more importantly the fact that most of their treasured beliefs in science we wrong.

The 1961 Brooking Institute study looked at this situation.

“”It has been speculated that of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures, since these professions are most clearly associated with the mastery of nature, rather than with the understanding and expression of man.”

As science fuels the modern technological advances, and upheaval would negatively affect the economy.

13. Fear of Death: One possibility is that the President has been threatened with death by the control group. Steven Greer told a story that a close friend of Bill Clinton’s had told him that “If the President does what you say – he fears that he will end up like Jack Kennedy.” This theory of the President being threatened with death to keep him quiet is actually quite popular in the UFO community. There have even been controversial documents leaked into the UFO community that even claim Kennedy was assassinated because he gave the order to declassify the ET presence.

14. Old Style Conservatives: Like in some religious settings the “conservatives” want to hang on to status quo as long as possible. The government would have to deal with this group which would not be willing to negotiate or compromise. This is commonly described as the reason major newspapers do not follow the UFO story. The editors are just simply old style skeptic conservatives.

There is a rumor in the UFO community that there is a split in the UFO control group over whether or not to disclose. As there is no disclosure it would appear that the conservatives still hold the majority of the votes.

15. Weapons Development: This is one of the key reasons for the cover-up. There is a need to develop ET technology in secret into super-weapons in case of alien attack. There is also a great desire by the military weapons people to develop weapons that are more efficient at killing. The alien technology would be a dream come true for weapon development people. Developers who control the technology may want to keep things secret to solidify their control over the technology before the public finds out. “My friends,” wrote Peter Gersten, “as long as technology is the prize, no official disclosure will ever take place.”

16. Lead Time: If the American military people have figured out 70% of the secrets behind the alien technology it would be dangerous to release this. The piece released might be exactly the piece required by the enemy to complete their weapons system. The defense sector knows that in modern war lead time is critical, as many present day wars only last days or months. Any advantage gained by alien technology would develop a weapons lead time of months or years. This would give the enemy no time to build their own system.

This lead time problem would also apply to lead times that might have been gained by an enemy also working on alien technology. Giving our adversaries an indication of what we know would allow the enemy to attack if he knew we had no counter measure.

17. Reverse Engineering – The government is buying for time till they have completed back engineering crashed saucers. There are many stories around that the job has ben difficult and more time will be needed to be successful. Releasing their stage of development would do nothing except alert the enemy that there is something around that can be developed into advanced technology. The longer the enemy remains skeptical of UFOs, the more time there is to back engineer the saucers.

18. Need to Know: The population does not have the need to know. As one Navy Captain told researcher Ray Stanford in 1964 “those dealing with the problem are capable of rational judgment in the face of the unexpected. They know the facts… people are not ready to know the facts.”

This is a strong principle inside the military that they have special access to information that the population should not be given access to for various reasons. UFOs have always been described as a “need to know” item. Vice President Dick Cheney for example, when asked if he had been officially briefed on the subject of UFOs stated “If I had been briefed on that subject, it probably would have been classified and I wouldn’t be talking about it.”

19. Kickbacks and Profits: He who has the gold makes the rules. If the cover-up is controlled by insiders, as many believe, they could be resisting disclosure because of astronomical profits and kickbacks to be made from siphoning classified extraterrestrial ultra-technology into insider corporations.

Knowledge is power, and power brings profit in the capitalist system.

20. Loss of Power: Power brokers who know control the situation would definitely lose power. They would definitely have less power in a World style government because the U.S. population is very small. At present nationalism is the only acceptable game in town.

21. Dependence on Oil: The entire economy is dependent on oil, and everyone addicted to it has become addicted to the technologies involved. It is part of the status quo, and people don’t like change.

Oil also involves a lot of money and jobs.  It is estimated that 9.2 million people are directly and indirectly employed by the U.S. oil and natural gas industry. This would be a major factor in keeping the money flowing to the people who are benefiting now.

Retooling an economy based almost entirely on oil would be very disruptive to society.

22. Short Sightedness: The government operates in the short term, and UFOs is a long term issue. Steven Greer stated that a person attached to the National Security advisor to President Reagan stated that long term in the government is 5 years.

The President only has a term of 4 years, and because he is always seeking votes his main interests usually lie in things that are achievable in his four year term. This is especially true if one measures the possible fallout of disclosure vs the votes that could be gained.

In a related point some military sources have said that government officials such as the President transitional figures; around for no more than eight years. There is no reason to bring them into a very complex issue for such a small period of time.

23. Nationalism: Disclosure of the ET presence would transfer citizen allegiance from the United States to the world. It has often been said, “Nationalism is the only game in town.”

A future consideration is that if there is a one world view, the military, weapons developers, and security services people would find it hard to sell weapons and fear.

24. Government Black Operations: Many UFOs are secret government experiments that must be protected by covering up all sightings. This was the case made in the 1997 CIA study “A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90,” written by CIA historian Gerald K. Haines. Haines stated that most of the UFOs seen since 1947 were caused by intelligence planes such as the U-2 and the SR-71.

25. Abductions: If the government would to disclose that there is an ET presence here on earth, one of the first questions that would be asked to the President is “As President you are constitutionally responsible for the protection of the American people. It has been estimated that 6-8 million people have been abducted by the extraterrestrials. In light of this Mr. President what are you doing to stop it.” Based on presently available evidence it appears that not only does the President not know how to stop it, he probably does not even know why the aliens are doing it.

26. Mutilations: The confirmation by the government that 10,000 or more cattle have been mutilated would send panic throughout the American populous. The fact that the government had known and did nothing to stop it would lead to a rash of lawsuits from farmers all over the country. As the government can do nothing to stop the mutilations – they would be faced with a no win situation. If the government itself is doing the mutilations as some claim, this naturally could never be released under any circumstances.

Some contend that there have been human mutilations, and if true it appears that the government can not stop this either. The confirmation of a human element to the mutilation phenomena would be like a nuclear bomb going off in Washington, D.C.

27. Viruses: There is a very strong story that in January 1996, at least one alien was captured in Varginha, Brazil. One policeman Marco Eli Chereze was the key person who captured the alien and held him as they went to the hospital. Within days Marco developed other tumors and minor infection points all over his body, and he was dead in less than a month.

28. Waived Special Access Programs: There are also levels of SAP, the first being a division into acknowledged and unacknowledged SAPs. Black Program is slang for an unacknowledged SAP. An unacknowledged SAP is so sensitive that its very existence is a “core secret.” Indeed, some unacknowledged SAPs are sensitive to the extent that they are “waived” (a technical term) from the normal management and oversight protocols. Even members of Congress on appropriations committees (the Senate and House committees that allocate budgets) and intelligence committees are not allowed to know anything about these programs. In the case of a waived SAP, only eight members of Congress (the chairs and ranking minority members of the four defense committees) are even notified that a given program has been waived (without being told anything about the nature of the program). Such a program is certainly deep black (though I am not sure if that designation is actually used in the business).

29. The Government Knows: There is a theory that the government might have many of the answers and is buying for time until they have the ability to deal with some of the more difficult UFO problems. Perhaps the control group has all the answers and the news is not good for the future of man. They may know that the alien agenda is bad, and that they are helpless to stop it. The government certainly wouldn’t want to release such an end of the world scenario.

Perhaps the aliens are good but the control group is afraid the aliens will tell everyone the truth of what has been going on since the 1940s. The control group losses control of writing history.

30. Building a Defense System: Those in control of the UFO data may be working on creating counter measures to defend or even attack the high technologies exhibited by UFOs. Bringing down UFOs “at will” would certainly be one technology that the military is busy trying to develop. This would be especially true if the military is taking the view that the UFOs represent an enemy.

31. We Are Being Studied: If “they” discover you, it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb, “they” are your technological superiors.  Human history has shown us time and again the tragic results of a confrontation between a technologically superior civilization and a technologically inferior people.  The “inferior” is usually subject to physical conquest.

b. Often in the past, a technologically superior people are also possessors of a more virile and aggressive culture.  In a confrontation between two peoples of significantly different cultural levels, those having the inferior or less virile culture, most often suffer a tragic loss of identity and are usually absorbed by the other people.

c. The Brookings Study on The Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligence best described the fear that an encounter by our civilization with an advanced race might mean disaster. “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior.”

32. Lobby Groups: The UFO community has only one lobbyist with very little money. There are 12,600 lobbyists in Washington who provide billions of dollars to congressional election campaigns. Interest groups who would be affected by UFO disclosure such as the oil industry have scores of lobbyists. . With one lobbyist and no money we simply don’t have the same influence.

Much of what happens in Washington is highly influenced by lobbyists and Ufology does not have the public support or money and therefore can exhort very little pressure on the political system.

33. Money: We don’t have much, and it takes a certain amount of it to finance proper research, set up political action movements which help influence government push through an important idea.

34. Alien Threat: Perhaps the aliens have directly ordered the government (or government within the government) not to disclose the UFO secret.

35. Apprehension of Invasion: Concern of human slavery, especially by the upper class elites, possible imprisonment by the colonizing alien races, and God knows what else. It was recorded in the 1997 CIA UFO study that the UFO over flights over the White House in July 1952 was a serious concern of President Truman’s staff.

36. Secrecy: It is part of the nature of the military and government. Many much less important things are held secret. The military has control and simply insists the secret be kept. General Arthur Exon, for example testified he received a call from General Clements McMullin following the crash at Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. McMullin’s instructions to General Ramey, according to Exon were to concoct a “cover story” to “get the press off our back.”

37. Religious Fallout: The Christian religion is the basis of the American society and the disclosure of the ET reality would affect some sectors of the Christian community.

In 1994, a study was done where 1,000 priests, ministers and rabbis were questioned about the impact of an ET presence on religion. One question dealt specifically how religion would react if ET were to “proclaim responsibility for producing human life.” 28% of all respondents replied that the believed or believed strongly that it would create a religious crisis. (28% of the American population would be over 82 million people in crisis)

It could be argued that the number affected by fallout in their belief structure would be small in the 21 century, but even a small percentage would deserve some protection in a group that holds a lot of power and influence in the present administration. 99% don’t have aids.

Moreover, religious beliefs sometimes influence those who control or gather the intelligence on the subject. Inside the CIA it was said that fundamentalist Christian agents believed remote viewing was satanic, and helped put an end to research.

Christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Jews are waiting for the Messiah. The appearance of aliens instead can not be viewed as something that will have a positive effect.

38. Evolution: This would have to rank as one of the key reasons a cover-up is being supported by the control group. On many occasions U.S. intelligence has leaked the story that the aliens are our creators, and have tied this into the abduction reports. They have even hinted that Jesus was a creation of the aliens and that the aliens provided them some sort of proof that could be shown to the public. If true, these revelations would cause many problems for disclosure.

The American society has Christianity as a religious base, and most believe that mankind was a special creation of God. To present the public with proof that they are nothing more than an alien science fair project would be devastating.

39. Dark Inner Secrets: The cover-up of the ET reality might involve some secret inside the UFO cover-up. It is hard to image what this secret might be but one example might be if 5,000 Americans were killed in the early years to protect the secret. It might be a short trip to jail for some if the cover-up were ended.

40. Who’s in Charge: Perhaps the government is not covering up. President Bill Clinton told Sarah McClendon there was a government inside the government that he did not control. Perhaps the government is trying but has no power to disclose. Many in fact believe that control over the UFO subject compartmented away from legal and constitutional chain-of-command oversight and control. These people according to Steven Greer are “risk-averse, do not like significant change, and will not give up control and power easily.”

Elected public officials such as the President as transient faces that will be gone in 4, 6, or 8 years.

The government’s UFO role appears to have been run for the last 58 years by some unelected group. In reality the elected government may have no more power to disclose the UFO secrets than the average American citizen. They may be totally out of the loop, as is illustrated by a story told about Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen. The story is recounted by Dr. Steven Greer.

Cohen was approached by an astronaut who gave him a piece of UFO evidence along with the providence for the piece. Cohen spent much time and effort trying to track where this piece of evidence had gone and was unsuccessful.

41. Status Quo: Things aren’t all that bad, and its not worth the trouble that might arise from disclosure. Dr. Eric Walker was the former president at Penn State University, and former Chairman of the Board at the Institute for Defense Analysis, which is the top military think tank to the Defense Department. When asked to talk while he was still alive, Walker shot back, “What’s all the after all, forty years have gone by, and nobody’s blown up the world.”

Everyone has a job and the people are satisfied enough to have given George Bush a second term in the White House. Don’t rock the boat. The secret weapon should be brought out only in the most extreme situations. There are still oil options to exploit like the Alaska nature areas.

42. Psi Warfare: There is much to indicate that mental phenomena are a large part of how the aliens fly the craft and how they communicate and control UFO abductees. The intelligence community would die for this technology, and would be very afraid of such technology falling into enemy hands.

The fact that “mental phenomena” is a key part of the UFO phenomena can be found as far back as a Canadian Top Secret memo written by the head of the government’s UFO program Wilbert Smith. He wrote,

I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena and I gather that they are not doing too well since they indicated that if Canada is doing anything in geo-magnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited Canadians.

The idea that “mind control” technology is part of the reason for the cover-up was even raised with President Clinton’s science advisor in 1994 by Cecil B. Jones. Jones was a partner with Laurance Rockefeller in their initiative to get President Clinton to declassify classified UFO files.

In a February 17, 1994 from Jones to Dr. Jack Gibbon’s Jones wrote,

“My mention of mind control at the February 4 meeting was quite deliberate. Please be careful about this. There are reasons to believe that some government group has interwoven research about this technology with alleged UFO phenomena. If that is correct, you can expect to run into early resistance when inquiring about UFOs, not because of the UFO subject, but because that has been used to cloak research and applications of mind-control activity.”

43. Free Energy Dilemma: The consequences of giving free energy to countries like India and China where wages are low would only increase their ability to undercut the competitiveness of American business.

44. President as Goat: Fear by the President of being the goat. History could record the disclosing president as being the hero, but there is an equal chance he might be seen as the president who ruined everything. It might be this human nature fear that stops the President from releasing. The President that makes the ET reality announcement will face numerous fall outs, and his entire presidential agenda will be overrun by the ET issue.

45. Alien’s Hidden Agenda: The main mission of the visiting ET presence is not clear. Until this is clear it would be dangerous to release. The wacko UFO element will get a lot of media coverage without any concrete evidence to counter the wild claims.

The aliens are withholding the announcement of their presence for a reason. If the government announces and the aliens don’t, the government would then be forced to explain the secrecy being used by the aliens. It is apparent that the aliens have not shared this with the government.

46. No Answers: The government has no answer to many aspects of the UFO phenomena such as cattle mutilations or human abduction. Moreover, the government not only does not know how to stop it – they don’t even know why the aliens are doing it. It would be absolutely impossible to put the President of the United States in front of a news conference where he would be made out as “the emperor with no clothes.”

47. Counter-Intelligence Against the American People: In order to hide their ignorance on the UFO situation the government was forced to spread false stories within public media sources that they had control of the situation. The government is finding their ignorance on the situation. All stories about Area 51, alien alliances for technology, and back engineered alien technologies are nothing more that counter intelligence designed to convince the public they have the ET situation under control.

48. Alien Airspace: The aliens are allowed to fly around in U.S. airspace at will. It appears that all NORAD officials do is watch. We could never release this fact to the American population.

49. Mass Shock and World-Wide Panic: Despite the notion that society has matured, the government knows that shock and panic would be the order of the day. People did panic during 911 and in the 2003 Northeast blackout. Even President George W. Bush panicked in the hours following 911.

In both cases the New York Stock exchange had to be closed to stop a meltdown in stock prices.

50. Stock Market Collapse: There would be a meltdown of the stock market. Those in control own stock. They would therefore hesitate to do things that would eliminate their holdings.

Oil stocks would lose most of their value within minutes of the confirmation of an extraterrestrial presence. This would lead to other panicked traders selling other stocks to protect their positions. In the cases of the 911 attack and the 2003 blackout the stock market crashed and there was not much the government could do except to close the market before it reached zero. The government was able to open the market after a couple days after convincing the population that they had the situation under control, and that the event would never happen again. In the case of UFOs there is no indication that the government has any control over the situation, so opening the stock market would lead to a continued meltdown.

A close associate of Wilbert Smith who did metallurgic analysis of UFO fragments for Smith told me clearly in an interview I did with him in the 1970s, “If you ever find out that they are going to release the UFO secret tomorrow, be sure you sell everything you have today, because tomorrow everything will be worth nothing.”

51. End of Nationalism: People would transfer their allegiance from the United States to the world. The consequences for the American government and all its departments would be obvious. In the new system whose rules would dominate? Would Americans still be allowed to control the vast majority of world resources with their small population?

Situations like the collapse of the former Soviet Union into more than a dozen countries shows clearly that the desire among humans is still to division and a sense of nationalism based on race, religion, and political belief structures.

52. Free Energy Dilemma: Free energy to countries like China and India with 50 cent an hour labor rates would devastate the American economy.

It will be important for the American government to retain control over the new technology so it can be used to maintain the present economic world view. It will also be important to control the technology because it could be used by terrorists against American interest at home and around the world. There have been many examples in UFO sightings which show that the alien technology has great potential for destruction.

53. Procrastination: The nature of government is to procrastinate on everything. Of all the issues being put off to another time, the ET presence is the biggest. Henry Kissinger, a former Secretary of State for Richard Nixon and often rumored to be a member of the UFO control group, was rumored to have stated, “UFOs are the biggest hot potato in Washington.”

Rarely does a government take up a new idea and simply pass it. Government flows with the pressures exerted by lobby groups and polls. They are in power to carry out the will of the people, not introduce new ideas.

54. Religious Fallout: The government fears there will be very negative fallout inside the religious community which is the basis of American society. Conservative religious leaders might declare aliens the agents of the devil and a religious war could break out.

55. Shift in Credibility: If the government were to disclose they would lose all their credibility on the subject after years of lies. This distrust would spill over into statements being made by government officials on other non-UFO related items. The power would shift from the government to the UFO community.

More importantly, the credibility on telling the UFO story would shift to the UFO community who will claim they were right all along. Many in the media and public will look to the UFO community for answers.

However, many in the UFO community know that the community is not united, and there are some fringe elements. These fringe elements will be giving the major media sources stories like humans are being served in an alien McDonald’s on the back side of the moon serving up humans. Researchers with negative alien viewpoints could spin the abduction and animal mutilation stories into an uncontrollable public relations disaster. These stories will carry similar weight to researchers with a more conservative view. The media would not know who to believe.

56. Overpopulation: New alien medical technologies would cut disease and increase life spans which would cause rapid overpopulation. Some estimated state 23,000 children needlessly die each day from disease and hunger. Most of these children, however, are in third countries that are causing damage to the American economy with cheap imports because of low wages. Allowing their populations to increase faster would aggravate the problem.

This massive growth in third world populations would upset the present world order. The American government is elected to represent its voters and not people in other countries.

57. An Uncontrolled Release: Any attempt to make a partial disclosure announcement (the ETs are here but we won’t talk about areas of the subject that are still classified) would give the green light to people who are “read into” the program. These people might consider the partial disclosure as a green light to start talking about what they know. This might include material the government doesn’t want released.

58. Increased Terrorist Power: The new technologies might fall into the hands of terrorists. They would be far more effective with this in their war against America. Complete control of the powerful UFO technologies would be the only safe alternative. The technology must be controlled in the same way nuclear technology has been guarded for the past 60 years.

59. Ridicule: The reason for the cover-up is the same reason other paranormal subjects are kept secret. Those in power are afraid of ridicule by the media. Ridicule can be used by political opponents to gain votes.

A prime example of this is the story of Nancy Reagan and her use of an astrologer to determine the President’s daily schedule, or the case of Hillary Clinton who was accused of channeling with new age guru Jean Houston. In both cases the President lost a lot of political capitol, and public relations people had to work hard to restore the White House as a place where sane and down to earth people live.

60. Foreign Weapons: Government is concerned some UFOs may be other nations weapons systems. In 1953 the U.S. Air Force had a project called “Blue Moon” to try and photograph unidentified enemy aircraft. It was hoped the project would identify new enemy prototypes, modifications and installations being made on present enemy aircraft. The idea is to secretly study all unknown in hopes of identifying advanced technology which could be used by the U.S. military, or might be a threat to U.S. military.

61. No Public Support: Ufology groups have been unable to marshal up the public support to create a massive demonstration and force the issue of disclosure. Therefore disclosure is an issue people don’t demand. The lack of support allows the control group to continue the secrecy. If the situation was really serious and detrimental to the well being of society more people would speak up. When UFOs is viewed as a bread and butter issue, the secrecy will end.

62. Sources & Methods: Any disclosure announcement would confirm the locations of where the back engineering technologies have been taking place. This is free intelligence to the enemy allowing them to point their spies and satellites in the right direction.

63. Dead Pilots: In the early days of the modern UFO era the U.S.A.F. made a number of attempts to shoot down UFOs. There were many reports of pilots dieing and there are rumors that the actual number would be a source of embarrassment to the control group should there be a disclosure.

64 Nuclear Weapons: This is one of the main reasons UFOs are here – the evils of nuclear weapons. The government would never admit this as they would have to disassemble all their nuclear weapons and the industry around it.

Disclose or Continue to Cover-up?

Despite these many drawbacks to disclosure there appears to be one overriding reasons for disclosure. In almost every case these drawbacks will all still exist when disclosure finally takes place, and there is no doubt disclosure is coming. It is only a matter of time.

Therefore we have a choice to disclose and go through the pain of the release now when oil is reaching $60.00 a barrel, or we can go through it in 20 years when oil reaches $600.00 a barrel.

It is similar to the analogy of smoking. You can either quit smoking when you get the warning or wait until the diagnosis that you have lung cancer. The chances for survival seem to clearly indicate that procrastination is not a viable option when it comes to disclosure.

Government and control groups are, however, much like people. They will procrastinate until forced to end the present policy. Until they are pressed into a corner they will continue to believe that it will be better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Grant Cameron Denied U.S. Access to Lecture

Written by Grant Cameron
Sunday, 09 August 2009 02:04
Canadian UFO Researcher Blocked by U. S. Homeland Security From Speaking at NUFOC Conference, Hollywood

© 2005 by Linda Moulton Howe

“You’re not going anywhere today. You’ve been rejected from entering the United States.’
– U. S. Homeland Security Agent, September 2, 2005, Vancouver, B. C. Int’l. Airport


September 8, 2005  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Last weekend I was in Los Angeles for the National UFO Conference (NUFOC) to speak about “UFO Crash Retrievals and the American Government’s Policy of Denial in the Interest of National Security.” One of my colleagues from Canada, Grant Cameron, was going to speak at the conference about the “64 Reasons Why The U. S. Government Can’t Tell the Truth About UFOs.” [See Earthfiles 12-21-04] Grant’s research the past few years has been physically traveling in the United States to American National Archives and Presidential libraries looking for time and date links between White House meetings and alleged UFO crash retrieval events. Grant’s work has strongly contributed to the emerging Big Picture of American presidents as far back as Franklin Delano Roosevelt having knowledge about UFO crash retrievals and cover-ups.

Grant was scheduled to speak on Sunday afternoon, September 4, at the NUFOC conference, but instead there was a public announcement that his phone had been disconnected, his e-mail was not working and that no one had heard from him. Given that Grant Cameron is a well grounded man who is the building facility manager at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, and reporter and producer of the popular website, www.presidentialufo.com, we were all alarmed. I tried Grant’s cell phone number and only heard a rapid beeping.

Finally after returning to Albuquerque from the NUFOC conference, I was able to hear Grant’s firsthand account of what appears to be American Homeland Security’s premeditated and deliberate block on Friday morning, September 2, 2005, at the Vancouver International Airport. Grant Cameron was not allowed to enter the United States. He had been pulled aside by one customs checker and then sent into the offices of three U. S. Homeland Security agents. There was no courtesy from the man in front of Grant, only arrogance.


Grant Cameron, a building facility manager at the University of Manitoba; reporter and producer of www.presidentialufo.com, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada: “And he (Homeland Security agent) said, ‘Well, you won’t be going into the United States today. You don’t have the proper work permit.’

I told him I had done this numerous times, had always showed appropriate paperwork.
I said, “It’s a simple, small honorarium for one speech and that’s all I’m doing there. I’ve done this a number of times before.”

At that point, he was very arrogant about the whole thing. He didn’t say anything nice the whole time I talked to him. He then said, ‘We won’t be making that mistake again,’ referring to the fact that I had done this a number of times before and had never had any problems with going through customs to do a speech in the United States.


Yes, it seemed to indicate there was a new ruling in place and that whatever had happened in the past would not be happening again.

At that point, he said, ‘Go sit outside the office and I’ll call you back.’

So, I sat outside and could see him laughing and talking to people around him. He came back in and he just pushed this paper to me which had the details of what was going to happen and basically said again, ‘You’re not going to be allowed into the United States. And don’t bring up the honorarium. You are not a professor and these aren’t professors you are speaking before. So don’t even say that. You’re not going anywhere today. You’ve been rejected from entering the United States.’

He pushed the paper towards me and started talking to someone beside me and totally ignored me. I waited for a couple of seconds and then asked, ‘What do I do now?’

At that point, he said, ‘I really don’t care what you do. You can go back from where you came from. I don’t care what you do now.’

So, I was left with no alternative but to grab the paper that had Homeland Security on the top, U. S. border. I took the paper and walked out of the office and had no idea where to go next, what to do.”


United States Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection Notice of Ineligibility for Pre-Flight Clearance rejecting Grant Cameron’s ability to enter the United States on September 2, 2005, to speak at the National UFO Conference held September 2-4, 2005, at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, California.
Signed and dated document provided by Grant Cameron.

“There was a guy sitting out where you pick up your bags and I got my bag which was there and went to this guy and said, ‘I’ve been rejected from entering the United States. How do I get back? I’ve got to get a flight out of here and get back home.’

At that point, I phoned Lisa Davis and basically left a message on the phone number that was on the color brochure stating I would not be at the conference, that I had been rejected and it took me quite awhile to get back through. [Editor’s Note: For unknown reasons, NUFOC Director, Lisa Davis, never received any of Grant Cameron’s cell phone voice mails.]

Grant Cameron’s Computer Scans “Positive for Explosives”

One other strange thing happened, which was probably a coincidence is that when I got back through (to Canadian side) and I had to put my bags on the plane (back to Winnipeg), I got that through and was left with only about maybe 25 minutes before the flight. I went through security going back to get on the plane (back to Winnipeg) and got through and suddenly I’m under surveillance again. My computer came up as positive for explosives.

Another officer came up and asked questions. He said, ‘I saw that they scanned your computer and it came up positive (for explosives). At that point, I figure now I’m going to jail. This is the day from hell type of thing.


Yes, I could not believe it. It was my computer bag which I take on the plane with me. I never let it out of my sight because it has my presentation on it. As far as I knew it had never left my hands. He started asking me a lot of questions and it got closer and closer to the flight. Where did I work? Did I work with explosives? He was actually nice about the whole thing, but it was just one question after another and figured it was just a matter of time that they would arrest me.

Then he asked me to run a program. I ran a program which was the presentation that I was going to give in Los Angeles. So I popped it up with the little thumbnail photos and here were George Bush and all these pictures. He says, ‘What’s he doing here? Why is Bush on there?’ He was very curious why I had all this presidential stuff on my computer.

So I’m trying to explain very quickly because I’m running out of time to get on the plane and then he said, ‘OK, run another program.’ So I ran another program and I guess they realized I was not carrying a bomb. And I think what may have happened there is that I had just gotten the computer back from Dell. It had gone in for a new motherboard. I had just gotten it back that day and put it in the case to travel with. Dell might have used some sort of cleaning fluid, but it was that kind of day where one thing after another occurred. Basically I left at 7:30 a.m. in the morning and returned at 5:30 p.m. back home after flying all day and had really gone nowhere.

Then I left a second message with Lisa Davis and left my cell phone asking if she needed more details, here was my situation.


Yes, it is very strange.

Timing of Customs Block Linked to History Channel Program?


Yeah, it’s kind of unnerving, I can tell you that. It did seem to have the coincidence that the History Channel had just done a special on the presidents which I had done a lot of work with them and that had appeared only about a week and a half before. It is quite  now you have to look forward to the fact that every time you go to the border, you really can’t agree to do anything for anybody, any presentations, because you have no idea if you are going to get across.

If I am on an electronic list, it does have some benefits in that at least somebody is listening. It’s not that they are just ignoring you. If you are on a list, it means the United States is paying attention to what we are doing, which has some advantage that it gives what you say a little more impact if people know the government is listening to you.

If it was to block me, the implications are that what I’m doing is significant and I’m going to have to be very sort of vigilant about fighting back and making sure my rights are maintained. I’m going to have to make sure every time I get a work permit from Homeland Security or wherever I get this from. And it’s going to be a lot of work, but it’s worth going through. You can’t just walk away and let them win. It’s a game we’ve all been in. We know what the stakes are and you can’t give up. It kind of inspires you that maybe you’re getting somewhere and you have to fight back. It’s sad, and expensive to be buying airline tickets and having to come home without going anywhere. That bothers me.

But the fact that they are listening or I was purposely withheld from the United States means someone is listening to what I’m doing. And that’s a good thing.

Grant Cameron Legal Action in Canada


Yes, that’s something I’m planning to do. I haven’t started the process yet, but I really have no choice to do that because I’ve got a number of indications here that it’s going to be hard to get across and you have to clear it up. Otherwise, I’ll always have this hanging over my head that I can’t accept any engagements. I know in talking to some of the people at work (at University of Manitoba), it’s just shocking when I tell them the story. They are absolutely shocked when they hear what happened.”


More Information:

For previous Earthfiles interviews with Grant Cameron, see Earthfiles Archives:

  • 12/30/2004 —  Audience Feedback About Earthfiles “September 12, 1952: America’s ‘Secret War’?”
  • 12/30/2004 —  September 12, 1952: America’s “Secret War”? Part 3: Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman
  • 12/30/2004 —  September 12, 1952: America’s “Secret War”? Part 2: USAF Starfire Disappeared Over Gulf
  • 12/30/2004 —  September 12, 1952: America’s “Secret War”? Part 1: UFO Retrieval in Flatwoods, W. Va
  • 12/22/2004 —  Part 2: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!”
  • 12/22/2004 —  Part 1: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!”
  • 11/03/2004 —  Gen. Wesley Clark – Has He Been Briefed About UFOs?
  • 10/29/2004 —  Part 1: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case.
  • 08/05/2004 —  Part 14: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
  • 10/29/2003 —  Part 3 – Lib. of Congress Allegedly Did Two Reports About ETs for President Jimmy Carter
  • 10/28/2003 —  Part 2 – U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations
  • 04/20/2002 —  Canadian and American Officials (1950s) Collaborated on Study of Unidentified Aerial Disks

Presidents and Crashed Flying Saucers

Written by Grant Cameron
Sunday, 09 August 2009 02:20
The White House Role in Crashed UFO Retrievals

From a paper presented in at the Crashed Retrieval Conference

Las Vegas November 16, 2003


Before considering the available evidence about crashed saucer material and the White House, it is important to view why the role of the president is so important.

It has long been rumored that the real hard evidence such as crash retrieval materials are in the hands of the military. The president is the civilian head of the military, and thus should be receiving on his desk the best material that has been gathered by the military.

If the critical crash material is not held by the military, but by some agency of the government such as the National Security Agency or CIA, the president should still receive the best available material, as he is the head of the Executive branch that employs most employees of the government.

Most importantly, it is important to view the role of the president in any review of crashed saucer evidence, because the president is the ultimate authority. Only when the president stands up and says, “Some UFOs are not of this world” will the cover-up end. The president’s word is final and cannot be overruled. It is therefore important to see what he knows on the subject, or at least what statements or actions he has taken.

Many believe that once elected, the president is suddenly spoken to by God and suddenly knows everything there is about the ultimate UFO evidence such as crashes. This is quite far from the truth. Once sworn in a president is dependentcu on cabinet officers to present to him any information he might obtain. All the information from the past administration has been removed and the filing cabinets are empty.

An example is President Clinton, who at the time of his 1993 inauguration, was faced with 17,000 classified documents a day being written within the U.S. government. People who think he has time to read these documents, and maintain a 16-hour grueling daily schedule of meetings, briefing, photos, state dinners, and in Bill Clinton’s case dating interns, are mislead.

The president’s knowledge comes from short briefings he gets from subordinates about things they think are important for him to know. The president’s knowledge is therefore dependent on the ability of those below him to gather up the facts for him.

With this as background, the following are some of the stories that look at what the president might have known about the subject of crashed saucers. These few examples I have chosen, are the result of attempts to track down rumored stories, and investigate them with interviews and material from the various presidential libraries.

The following presidential stories show at times the president knows, and at time doesn’t know. Summing it all up I would say that the president is told, but that the level of knowledge is not as great as the stories that have been leaked into the UFO community by U.S. intelligence. The aliens are still in control.

I think the evidence shows that the president knows the reality of the phenomena, but realizes that the government has very little control over the situation, especially when it comes to the phenomena of abductions and cattle mutilations. It is this ignorance and lack of control, which has led to a continued cover-up, while officials scramble to get better information about how to deal with these phenomena.

Our knowledge of the White House role and knowledge has been limited by two factors,

  1. The lack of records in presidential libraries.
  2. The president has only faced the UFO question twice during a news conference in 55 years.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The only story that I will deal with regarding FDR is a story that is being worked on by CUFOS and the Ohio MUFON people. It involves the longest servicing State Secretary in US history Cordell Hull. Hull won the Nobel Peace Prize for the work he did towards the creation of the United Nations.

He is one of three Nobel Peace Prize winners who have been involved in UFOs. The other two are Jimmy Carter, and former Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson.

Hull’s story is this. The daughter of his cousin, Reverend Turner Hamilton Holt, came forward a few years back to tell a story of an incident that had occurred in Washington DC in 1939. According to what the Reverend told the family his cousin Cordell Hull had taken him to the sub-basement of the Capitol building during a visit to Washington. There he viewed 1) Four large glass jars holding 4 creatures and 2) A wrecked round craft of some kind nearby.

No other supporting evidence is yet available, but MUFON Ohio is still working on it.

Harry S Truman


Harry Truman was, as everyone knows was the president who held the White House at the time of the Roswell crash. Despite the importance of the crash in UFO lore there is very little evidence to be found in White House records to show that Truman had any documented involvement in the handling of the crash.

A display at the Roswell Museum has a display showing a phone call and a meeting with General Hoyt Vandenberg, who is generally acknowledged to be a key player in the Roswell event. The call and meeting were supposed to have occurred on July 9th, the day after the Roswell press release on the crash. According to White House records, however, neither occurred. Vandenburg and other possible key Roswell players did meet on July 10th, but it was only for 10 minutes and then only for the signing of an Air Force Day proclamation.

The following were present: Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Assistant Secretary of War Lt. General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Acting Deputy Commander, Army Air Forces Major General Lauris Norstad, and General James H. Doolittle.

The White House records, however, might not be all that inclusive. Edwin Easley, for example, is shown in White House records to have never had contact with Truman. In direct contradiction to this is a statement by Easley’s daughter who stated her father had promised not to talk after making a promise to the president.

General Roger Ramey is another example of possibly incomplete White House records. White House records show that he never had contact with the president, and yet George Filer of “Filer’s Files”, stated that Mrs. Ramey had told him during an interview that she and her husband had met Truman and his wife on more than one occasion, and were in fact good friends.

The oral history testimony of Robert Landry, the Air Advisor to President Truman, may also help shed light on why there is no crashed saucer material, or recorded contacts with Roswell participants, in White House files.

Landry told Truman oral historians that he briefed Truman on UFOs orally every three months during his tenure (February 1948 – January 1953). He described himself as a go-between to the CIA. As a side light to this, Landry undoubtedly told Truman of the number of radar UFO sightings (described in a second oral history interview) he had while stationed with the 8th Army Air Force in Hawaii during World War 2.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

As I said previously, the president only knows what is told to him by those around him. He can be cut off from knowledge such as Harry Truman was while vice-president under FDR. During his whole time as vice-president he only met with the president twice, and was therefore out of the loop on almost everything that was going on.

When Truman became president he decided that the next president would not end up as president knowing nothing as he had. He set up a series of briefing to be given to the president-elect that would have him ready to govern when sworn in. This is a practice that continues up to the present.

Truman helped brief Eisenhower on many subjects he would need to govern. One of those briefings is the rumored UFO briefing given to Ike in November 1952. This briefing has become famous because of the MJ-12 document mailed to Jamie Shandera in 1984. As my time is limited and others are talking about this document I will not deal with it.

I will say, however, that I have spent a lot of time in the past couple months looking at the concept of “if president’s gets UFO briefing and what they are told.” I will discuss later other examples which show the importance of such briefings.

Now to perhaps the most well known of the presidential UFO stories. This story is the visit of Eisenhower to Palm Springs in February 1954. It was during that visit that the press discovered Ike had disappeared. Panic broke out and one reporter almost got a story on the wire stating that Ike had died of a heart attack.

Ike’s press secretary James Hagerty gained control of the situation saying Ike was at the dentist after having broken a cap eating chicken. Ike reappeared the next morning at church and all was forgotten.

All of the 1950s stories state that Ike had gone to nearby Edwards Air Force Base, and there met with aliens who landed at the base. Ike met with the aliens, heard their message, and thereby decided the world was not ready for this type of information. The story further states it was at this point Ike ordered the real cover-up to start.

In the late 70s and early 80s, when dead aliens became the rage, the story of Ike’s visit to Edwards turned into a visit to see dead alien bodies. Although no 1950 story mentions dead aliens there is actually some evidence to indicate that he may in fact have gone to Edwards to see alien bodies.

A month before Ike made his trip to Palm Springs, the APRO Bulletin published a headline story which stated “A.F. Men Examine UFO: Object Found Near California Oregon Border.” Prominent radio commentator Frank Edwards, who broke the story, stated that the object had been moved to a “West Coast US airfield.”

An interesting sidelight to this story is the fact that one of the air force men reported to be going to the airfield to investigate the object was none other than J. Allen Hynek.

Finally, related to Eisenhower, is the testimony of Brigadier General Steven Lovekin who stated that he had been shown small UFO wreckage pieces, and that Ike was fully aware of the facts. Lovekin had served with the White House Army Signal Corps. In a conversation with me Lovekin stated that Eisenhower knew what was going on and that Lovekin himself had witnessed Eisenhower talking about UFOs while at Camp David.

Lyndon B. Johnson

During a recent visit to the Lyndon Johnson library in Austin Texas, I spent a week looking at the UFO connection to the 1965 power blackout in the northeast, and the role of the Johnson White House in the crash of an object in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.

Based on information supplied by Kecksburg expert Stan Gordon and researcher Leslie Kean I was looking for information that would support stories, which showed the involvement of such groups as NASA (who have now agreed to turn over 3 dozen pages of documents they have always claimed they don’t have) and the Office of Emergency Planning at the crash site.

My library research involved checking the president’s movements and contacts between him and his top advisors with the information Stan Gordon had collected related to the crash.

At the time of Kecksburg crash President Johnson was at his White House ranch in Austin, Texas. A careful review of the evidence showed some interesting parallels to what Gordon had discovered about groups reported at the crash scene. These included:

  • James Webb, the head of NASA arrived at the ranch at 9:50 the morning after the crash.
  • All members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived the morning after the crash.
  • The Governor of Pennsylvania arrived at the ranch in afternoon.

On Sunday night, three days after the crash Johnson arrived back at the White House. The next afternoon, Johnson met off the record with Buford Ellington. Ellington was the head of the Office of Emergency Planning, which is inside the Executive Office of the President. This was one of the groups that appeared to have been involved in the Kecksburg crash.

One of the key people under Lionel Ellington was USAF Col. J. Leo Bourassa. He headed up the “Special Facilities Division” within the Office of Emergency Planning. He is the person mentioned in the Blue Book file dealing with the Kecksburg crash.

While at the Johnson library I was looking for files on Bourassa and on the “Special facilities Division” to see how it fit into the Kecksburg crash. What I learned about Bourassa while at the library is that he had also been heavily involved in the 1965 blackout of New York City. In fact, he wrote a report to Ellington detailing his findings. Bourassa’s findings hinted at the possible role of UFOs in the blackout.

From the November 23, 1965 Bourassa report we read,

“The lack of specific information at the time, plus the state of confusion that existed in the Northeast U.S., the fact that sabotage, enemy action, and unknown phenomena were all considered possibilities…”

It was not until I got home that I figured out who J. Leo Bourassa was, and why this might be significant to his involvement in the Kecksburg crash. It turns out that Bourassa was the head of Mount Weather, the nuclear attack proof bunker outside Washington D.C., where the president and top government leaders are taken in case of nuclear attack.

In fact, on September 11 when the Trade Towers were hit, the top 15 government leaders were rounded up by the secret service and taken there, while Cheney directed things in the bunker under the White House.

Bourassa, who at Mount Weather had instant access to the Joint Chiefs of Staff Command center, all the military services, fire departments, NORAD, and other key agencies, was involved in the Kecksburg recovery and may actually have been directing the proper units to the site behind the scenes.

Aerial photographs of Mount Weather show the presidential heliport where the president is dropped off. The tower that directs in the president’s flight is known as “bluegrass tower.” In the Kecksburg Blue Book file right after J. Leo Bourassa’s name you will find (Code blue grass). Another connection to the code “bluegrass” is a paranormal CIA project started in 1955, which I haven’t confirmed yet.

Another person who adds evidence for this role of Mount Weather in UFOs was Brigadier-General Steven Lovekin who testified for the Briefings held by CSETI for Congressmen and others in April 1997. He stated,

“I was fortunate enough to travel around Washington DC area, and I was fortunate enough to speak to one individual who was a government employee. He was not military. I only knew him as Frank, and I first met him at Mount Weather Virginia, Winchester, which is the place many of you might know where the president in case of attack. He told me at that time, the first time that I saw him, because he knew I was interested in this subject matter, that this place also had facilities to track these UFOs.”

Finally, I should mention a final note on the Special Facilities Division. In a 1996 story former USAF physicist Robert Collins posted a chart and a letter to the Internet following the release of “Independence Day.”


As a part of that posting, Collins made the following interesting comment.

“The following has been uncovered over the years of research. MJ-12 had a “cover” under which it operated and that cover was reportedly “The Office of Emergency Preparedness, Special Facilities Division.”

I followed up on this possible role of the Special Facilities Division in the crash at Kecksburg during a recent trip to the National Archives in Washington but was unable to come up with a single piece of paper on the unit after reviewing almost every box of files from the Office of Emergency Planning.

Richard Nixon

The only Nixon story I wish to deal with in this presentation is the story about President Nixon giving Jackie Gleason access to dead alien bodies. Three separate people claim to have been told the story by Nixon. (Bill Knell, Larry Warren and Beverly Gleason)

The key witness of the three was Beverly Gleason, the second wife of the comedy superstar. We have proof that she wrote a version of the story for the National Enquirer in 1983 four years before Gleason’s death. It was a story that Beverly said made Jackie very angry.

The gist of the story is that Gleason was friends with Nixon. He lived in Miami, Florida near Nixon’s southern White House at Key Biscayne. Gleason saw the bodies late one night at Homestead Air Force Base in 1973, which was close to both men’s homes. It was also the base where Nixon flew in on his 92 trips to the southern White House.

There is very little supporting evidence other than what Beverly Gleason and the other two witnesses claimed Gleason told them about the event. In only the last few months Mrs. Gleason has reconfirmed the story she told so many years ago as being true.

Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford as most people know was involved in the big flap of UFO sightings in Michigan in the mid-sixties. He helped to initiate a congressional look at the UFO problem.

The only things I wish to bring up about Ford is to play a clip which shows how quickly and dramatically opinions can change once a person enters the White House. Listen to him talk about UFOs before he became president. From the March 26, 1966 “Face The Nation” show the following question and answer.

Q: Mr. Ford, what about flying saucers? We’ve had some in Michigan in the past week. Do you really believe in flying saucers – you’ve called for a congressional investigation?

Ford: Dave, we’ve had several incidents in Michigan in the last week – incidents that many reliable good citizens felt were sufficient to justify some action by our government and not the kind of flippant answer given by the Air Force where the passed it off as some “swamp gas.”

And in addition there are other incidents that happen from time to time – reported by people who I think are basically fully sincere and honest. It seems to me that this mystery which has been around the country with all these various sightings does require that the congress take a good look at it. They should bring up these witnesses from the Air Force and NASA – have them interrogated by the members of a House of Senate committee. Let them put their records on the line, and let the people who have seen these unidentified flying objects come and testify. I think the American people would be more assured that there were, or were not, if an effective public hearing were held.”

Ford did nothing on the UFO front once he became president or after. It naturally leads to the question of whether there is a big briefing given which changes all presidents’ minds about releasing confirming evidence of UFOs.

Jimmy Carter

It has always been questioned whether Jimmy Carter was told much about evidence such as crashed saucers because he had run his campaign against the Washington insiders. He also got into trouble a couple of times with the U.S. military such as when he cut the defense budget, cancelled the B-1 bomber, leaked the stealth fighter secret.

The evidence now seems to indicate Carter was told and may actually have been told about the crashed saucers.

Now, as background for those of you who did not know Jimmy Carter had seen a UFO, here is his version of the event. He has spoken of this sighting more times than he lusted after women.

“There were about 20 of us standing outside of a little restaurant, I believe, or high school lunch room and a kind of green light appeared in the western sky. This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter, and eventually it disappeared. It didn’t have a solid substance to it. It was just a very peculiar looking light. None of us could understand what it was. I never made fun of other people who have seen things of that kind…”

This admission of a sighting, and a promise Carter made during the campaign to release all UFO information, led to a deluge of 9,000 UFO letters into the White House on UFOs. Here is a picture from within the Carter archives showing the letters.

What most people don’t know about the Carter promise is that there was an exception, which I believe relates directly to the crashed saucer subject being discussed here today. Carter made an exception saying he would not release UFO records with national security implications. Here is what he said,

“I don’t believe in keeping information like that secret, but there may be some aspects of the UFO information, with which I am not familiar which might be related to some secret experiments that we were doing that involve national security – a new weapons system. I surely wouldn’t release that, but if it was something removed from our national security, then I as president would go ahead and release it. I see nothing wrong with that.”

In a related story, we have the story of the George Bush UFO briefing of President-elect Carter. According to Marcia Smith, a researcher at the Library of Congress, when Carter asked for the files, then CIA Director Bush said Carter did not have the need to know – that being president was not sufficient “need to know.” He would have to go to Congress and get the requested UFO documents declassified. The incident and the constant rumors about George H.W. Bush’s involvement in UFOs led me to make Bush a part of my “UFO Most Wanted” deck.


An even more important story comes from prominent civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan. He was called in by Marcia Smith as a consultant on two studies she was preparing for President Jimmy Carter. One study was on UFOs, and the second was on extraterrestrial intelligence. Sheehan is famous for his legal work on the Pentagon papers, the Karen Silkwood case, Iran-Contra, and several other important cases.

Sheehan’s story is that he had gained access to the classified Blue Book files, through the efforts of Marcia Smith. In a vault in the basement of the Madison Building in Washington, D.C., Sheehan found pictures of a crashed flying saucer. This is information that he reported back to Smith. Smith, in turn, would have undoubtedly have related this discovery to the president in her study. Here is Sheehan’s account

“Back in 1977 when I was asked to participate as a special consultant to the Library of Congress Research Group analysis for President Carter, I was given access to The Project Blue Book files – the classified sections of them in preparation for a seminar I was asked to present to the top 50 scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California in the SETI program.(on the religious implications of extraterrestrial contact) In that context I was allowed to review the classified second of the Blue Book project. In that section I came across absolutely clear pictures, photographs of a UFO that was on the ground. It had apparently crashed and it was stuck in the side of an embankment. There was snow all around in the photograph, and there were United States Air Force personnel in the photograph measuring this particular craft. There were photographs of them. You could see in a number of these photographs. There were actually close up photos of different perspectives of the vehicle. They actually had insignia on the side of the vehicle. They had taken close-up pictures of these. So when I saw this in the context that I had been allowed in this room downstairs in the new building of the Library of Congress. It hadn’t even been opened yet. This was a new building. They had a big special room downstairs. There were Air Force guards at the door. When I actually saw these photographs in the files, I said, “Well now that I have seen this, and I know that the United States Air Force has these photographs – that they’ve got this vehicle. They’ve obviously got it. Here are the photographs.”

Further evidence that Carter was briefed and told of UFOs and crashed saucers come from a leaked document that was put out by Bill Moore in the late 1980s. It purports to be notes related to a UFO briefing given to Carter on June 14, 1977. As this is a very complex issue, and this is a very short lecture I will leave out discussion of it. It is one of a series of UFO briefing rumors I am working on.

The most important evidence that Jimmy Carter may have been told of crashed saucers, and chose not to release it, comes from a 1995 interview with Shirley MacLaine on the Larry King show. In a call-in question, Florida UFO researcher Art Greenfield asked about a claim that was made a couple weeks before by actor Nicholas Cage. In that claim Shirley MacLaine had told him that Jimmy Carter had been shown a crashed saucer and bodies. Here is the question and Shirley MacLaine’s reply. Keep in mind that Nicholas Cage stands by his claim.

Larry King: “Cocoa Florida with Shirley MacLaine, hello.

Art Greenfield: “Hello, Good evening Larry and Shirley, About two weeks ago, Nicholas Cage was on the Letterman Show and said Shirley had told him that President Carter had told her he had seen recovered alien spacecraft and aliens in a hanger. Can you tell me exactly what President Carter said?”

Shirley MacLaine: “He didn’t tell me that, but he told me many times that when I first wrote “Out On A Limb” that he would support me, that it was true, that there were crafts, that he believed there were occupants, why should we be the only people in the universe. He wanted to shine the sunshine laws on intelligence, to expose it, to see how the people would react, but he didn’t and wouldn’t and couldn’t as he explained to me.”

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan was a president who was interested in the paranormal. Any number of stories could be told about his comments on the White House ghost, or the fact that he claimed his father spoke to him during his funeral. The Reagan White House actually had people hired to keep Reagan away from school children asking questions after speeches because, as Marlin Fitzwater said, “The goddamnest things would come out of his mouth.” Reagan had two UFO sightings.

There are a couple quick crashed saucer related stories that I would like to share. The first centers on the visit of Steven Spielberg to the White House in June 1982 to screen ET – The Extraterrestrial to Reagan and 36 other people.

The story of ET is actually the fictionalized version of the live alien story that has been circulated by U.S. intelligence inside the UFO community many times over the last 55 years. As the story goes a live alien was recovered from a crash in the late 1940s, and it died in captivity in 1952.

Reagan sat beside Spielberg during the screening. According to the story that Spielberg told to film producer Jamie Shandera near the end of the screening Reagan leaned over to Spielberg and stated, “I bet there aren’t six people in this whole room who know how true this all is.” Spielberg was shocked by the statement but was unable to get future details from the president as Reagan left for bed as soon as it was over.

A couple months after seeing ET – The Extraterrestrial – President Reagan made an appearance at the old Roswell Army Air Base. There in front of the west hanger where the bodies and craft pasts from the Roswell crash were rumored to have been held for a short period before being shipped to WPAFB, Reagan made a campaign speech for Senator Harrison Schmitt then running for re-election. In case you are wondering, Reagan did mention ET in the speech.

As a side note to this Vice President Dick Cheney also showed up at the Roswell base to make a speech in 1992. Cheney has long been rumored to be an inside player on the critical information such as crashed saucers, so I have put him in my “UFO Most Wanted” deck as the King of Clubs.


Another Reagan story is the involvement and knowledge of Frank Carlucci, a key person in the military industrial complex, and Reagan’s former national security advisor. One of Steve Greer’s disclosure witnesses tells of Carlucci being a key figure in a Top Secret air show at Norton Air Force Base in 1988, where an alien reproduction vehicle was shown off.

Carlucci is also in my “UFO Most Wanted” deck, holding one of the highest cards.


Finally on Reagan, let me quickly discuss the role of your present Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell was Reagan’s last National Security advisor. He told presidential historian Lou Cannon that one of his roles in the Reagan White House was to keep the alien references out of Reagan’s speeches. He stated he worked hard to keep the alien invasion remarks out lest people think there actually was an alien invasion.

Powell stated that whenever Reagan brought up aliens in meetings, he would roll his keys and whisper to his colleagues “Here comes the little green men again.”

Powell stated further that the concept of Star Wars was an idea that Reagan got from the 1951 movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” Now billions are being spent on the idea.

Bill Clinton

Clinton, like Jimmy Carter, had problems with the military. He, like Jimmy Carter, had also run as a Washington outsider against the Washington insiders. He referred to them as the “F***king Washington crowd”

He should, therefore, not have been surprised when the Washington insiders, who told the UFO secrets, chose not to play ball with Clinton.

Clinton did many things, which upset the military such appearing to dodge the Vietnam War, and making a promise to put gays in the military.

It was these kind of things that have led to the idea that Clinton may have been cut out of the UFO situation. One of the stories that has been told to support this idea is a story told by Dr. Steven Greer about the late White House reporter Sarah McClendon, and her question to Clinton about UFOs. Here is what Greer said on the Art Bell show.

“You know Bill Clinton leaned over and told Sarah McClendon, who hosted us at the National Press Club on May 9th – this is a story I haven’t told, and I’m going to tell you now. She told me this. Bill Clinton leaned over to her and said, because she brought up this issue to Bill Clinton saying, “Why don’t you do something about what Dr. Greer and this group are trying to do?” He bent over and he said, “Sarah, there’s a secret government within the government, and I don’t control it.”

What I wish to discuss today about the Clinton presidency is the Clinton connection to the Roswell story. The Clinton Roswell crash story started just after Clinton entered the White House in 1993. Billionaire Laurance Rockefeller had seen a documentary on Roswell. He was amazed by what he saw. He decided it was time to go to the president and get him to declassify all UFO files, despite warnings from researchers such as Bud Hopkins who were telling him this is not how it worked.

Rockefeller’s presidential effort was cut of at the pass by Bill Clinton’s science advisor Dr. Jack Gibbons, a self acclaimed UFO skeptic. Gibbons handled Rockefeller’s questions and concerns related to declassifying the UFO files from 1993 to 1996.

Gibbons told Rockefeller that the request to declassify all UFO files would be impossible if the cover-up was as widespread as Rockefeller was claiming. Gibbons proposed taking one case and trying to get it declassified. They would then have a pattern to follow.

Rockefeller thought about it, and said that this one case idea would be fine. He was choosing the Roswell case. Thus began a move to get the facts on Roswell. The USAF started their study on what really happened in 1947.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are most well known for their interest in UFOs, and their efforts to get to the bottom of the Roswell crash. Looking back at the 1,000 pages of UFO material that was released to me by the Clinton White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, it appears that Hillary may have been dealing with the UFO issue for the president.

The OSTP files reveal that much of the Rockefeller effort to declassify the Roswell case was being passed through Hillary Clinton’s office in the West Wing of the White House.

In a November 1, 1995 letter from Rockefeller’s lawyer Henry Diamond to Dr. Gibbons, Diamond discussed a draft letter to the president on UFO disclosure that he felt it was now time for the president to see. Further Diamond talked about how Mrs. Clinton and her staff had been helping Laurance Rockefeller to edit the UFO letter to the president.

In a second letter written by Laurance Rockefeller to Dr. Gibbons, Rockefeller stated, “You indicated that you will keep the First Lady’s office informed and we shall as well.”

As I have said President Clinton was very interested in the Roswell crash case. It was even known that he had a book on Roswell in his private library. Some of his top officials, however, claimed to be ignorant of Roswell. One such official was Anthony Lake who was speechless when asked a question about Roswell on the Diane Rehm Washington DC talk show. Diane Rehm was forced to go to commercial to bail him out.

In a second appearance on the show Lake talked about Roswell. He made the claim that he as National Security Advisor to the president was “out of the loop.”

“Just one minute. I would like to thank you for saving, if not my life at least some embarrassment when I once did this (show). I think it was the second caller who called in and asked me about Roswell Air Base, and there was this stunned blank look on my face. I had no idea what he was talking about. You said very generously “It’s time to take a break.” Over the break you explained to me that we might or might not be keeping an alien at Roswell Air Force Base. I had never before been let into this conspiracy, even as National Security advisor, so I didn’t know what to say. I tried to prove a negative afterwards that there is no alien being held there. What I should have said is that in fact the alien does not look anything like the alien in Independence Day – the movie. Anyway I want to thank you for stepping in.”

Anyway, in response to the push by the White House the USAF Headquarters released their report on the Roswell crash in late 1995. It was titled “The Roswell Report: Fact vs. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert.” It concluded that there was nothing to the alien spaceship theory.

President Clinton was not amused. In a speech on November 30, 1995 he answered back to the USAF. It was a speech given in Belfast Northern Ireland in front of 80,000 people, and I can assure you after a couple weeks at the Reagan Library studying how presidential speeches are put together, the reference to Roswell was intentional. Nothing gets in a presidential speech that is not there for a specific reason.

There had been a letter writing competition in Northern Ireland. School children wrote letters to the visiting U.S. president and the two winning letter writers were on the stage with Clinton during his speech. Neither of their letters, however, was read. Instead, Clinton answered a letter from Ryan who was asking about Roswell. This is what Clinton stated,

“I got a letter from 13-year-old Ryan from Belfast. Now, Ryan, if you’re out in the crowd tonight, here’s the answer to your question. No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.”

A couple days following this speech the Air Force published a news story on the release of the USAF Roswell report. They quoted the above Clinton statement stating that he had therefore agreed with the USAF conclusion. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

As with any argument, it is only as strong as the facts one wishes to leave out. Here is the very next line of what Clinton said in the speech. It was a clear shot across the bow of the Air Force stating that he wanted more answers.

“And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn’t tell me about it, either, and I want to know.”

So in 1997, the USAF decided the screw the president with yet another Roswell report, this one called “The Roswell Report: Case Closed.” Answering the president’s order that he wanted to know about the bodies, the Air Force spent much of the report dreaming up the bizarre notion that dummies dropped in 1953 explained why people in 1947 were reporting bodies in connection with the Roswell crash.

George W. Bush

My final story is a key story dealing with the role in the inside workings of the UFO story as it applies to Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney has held many key government positions, has been tied into the military industrial complex for years, and has been the focal point of many stories dealing with Area 51 and crashed saucers.

In April 2001, just after entering the White House I had a chance to question Cheney on UFOs. He was on the Diane Rehm talk show announcing that the U.S. had just recovered a plane from China that the Chinese had shot down claiming to be a spy plane. Cheney was in a victorious mood, until the questions started. I was first up with the UFO question and all the rest of the questions were on Halliburton. I don’t think he has appeared on an open-line talk show since.

The question I asked him was the key question of briefings. Because of his background I wanted to know if he had been involved in anything official dealing with the UFO subject, defined by the question of whether anyone had every walked in his office and given him a briefing. The Q&A went as follows,

Question: Good morning. Mr. Cheney, I have a question. Since a statement made by George Bush last July there has been a vicious rumor in the UFO community that you have been “read-in” to the UFO program. My question to you is, in any of your government jobs have you ever been briefed on the subject of UFOs, and if you have when was it and what were you told?

Cheney: Well, if I had been briefed on that, I am sure it would have been classified, and I couldn’t talk about it.

Host question: Is there an investigation going on within this administration Mr. Vice President with regards to UFOs?

Cheney: Um…I have not come across the subject since I’ve been back – I guess it’s January 20th. I’ve been in a lot of meetings but I don’t recall one on UFOs.

Cheney has always been considered to be a smart man, but he slipped up on this answer. This is probably because he was not expecting the question.

The government has always stated that all UFO material has been released, and there is no cover-up. Cheney however clearly stated that the subject was “probably classified.’ If it is classified, there are documents. If there are documents the government has not released them, and we have been lied to. There is a cover-up.

I hope my presidential tales have added to your knowledge of what is going on. Thanks for listening.

Wilbert Smith, A Crashed Saucer, and the Ultimate Alien Encounter

Written by Grant Cameron
Sunday, 09 August 2009 04:38
As more and more is made public about the flying saucer research of Canadian Project Magnet Director Wilbert Smith, it becomes more and more apparent that Smith enjoyed a high “need-to-know” on the subject, and at least temporarily held a close relationship with those doing the highest-level research in the United States. Agencies included the CIA, U.S. Navy, FBI, NASA, and the U.S. Research and Development Board.

Wilbert Smith wrote about some of this cooperation in his November 21, 1950 Top Secret UFO memo to the Department of Transport. “They indicated,” Smith wrote, “that if Canada is doing anything at all in geo-magnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited Canadians.”

Vannevar Bush, who Wilbert Smith had described in the Top Secret UFO memo as the head of a small group in the United States making a “concentrated effort” to discover the modus operandi of the flying saucers, also discussed Canadian-U.S. cooperation.

“We must depend heavily on the Canadians for investigation of communication, navigation, projectile control methods and ionospheric measurements in the all-important auroral belt. Interchange of technical information should be uninhibited to enable us to gain necessary Canadian information so that studies of the earth’s magnetic field may be completed.” [1],[2]

As a strange footnote to the possible exchange of flying saucer secrets from the United States to the Canadians, all disclosure of technical information to foreign nationals was contained in policy document “State-Defense MIC (Military Information Control Committee) 206/29.” The committee determined the ”various potential countries-recipient and delineated the limits of classification” for each “whether made orally or by means of transfer of reports or other documents.”

The Committee had a member from each of the three military services, and there was a fourth member of the committee from the Research and Development Board. Interestingly, the R&DB member for the period 1950-1951 when Smith first interviewed Dr. Robert Sarbacher, wrote his Top Secret UFO memo, and was sending UFO papers to Vannevar Bush, was none other Dr. Eric A. Walker. (At the time Executive Director at the R&DB)

Dr. Walker would go on to give a number of UFO interviews, which became the basic of the book “UFOs, MJ-12, and the Government.” If Smith had requested access to the craft and bodies, later interviews with Dr. Walker indicate Walker would have known where to send him.

The Crashed Saucer

The Smith crashed flying saucer story actually goes back to the early 1980s. Alberta researcher John Musgrave told this researcher that Buck Buchanan, a close private associate of Smith in his post Project Magnet flying saucer research (1954-1961), lived near him and was telling him some incredible stories about his days working with Smith.

In a later letter to this author, Musgrave mentioned the story that Smith claimed he had been given a peak at a flying saucer at a Washington D.C. Air Force Base in the early 1950s. Although Musgrave didn’t reveal the source, it seemed certain that this was one of the amazing stories he had been told by Buchanan.

Musgrave stated his belief that he thought Smith might have been caught up in some sort of disinformation, and only thought he had seen a real craft. Musgrave made no reference to alien bodies being involved in the Washington saucer story.

In April 2002 I interviewed Wilbert Smith’s oldest son James and asked him about the crashed flying story told by Buchanan. James Smith confirmed the story, stating that his father had told him the story near the end of his life. What he had been told agreed with Buchanan’s Washington Air Force Base version.

The Bodies

A second item that adds credence to the idea that Smith had been taken into the ultimate inner circle of those who had actually controlled the extraterrestrial proof was a story that Wilbert Smith had actually seen the extraterrestrial bodies from one of the crashes.

This genesis of this body story goes back to the Hotel Algonquin in 1972. Psychiatrist and paranormal researcher Dr. Berthold Schwarz was meeting with Harold Sherman, a renowned paragnost, psychic researcher and author of more than 90 books. Sherman was also prominent for his experiments in telepathy conducted between himself in New York City and Sir Hubert Wilkins who was at the time in the Canadian arctic.

During the conversation with Dr. Schwarz, Sherman began talking about his friendship with Mr. Silas Newton. Newton was the geophysicist, and oil businessman who gave the original lecture about the 1948 Aztec, New Mexico crash at the University of Denver on March 8, 1950.

It was also Silas Newton who had approached prominent Hollywood writer Frank Scully with the story of the Aztec crash, which Scully wrote up in a best selling book called “Behind the Flying Saucers.” The book created a stir of controversy and was generally written off by the majority of researchers as a hoax.

Part of book’s problems was that despite many attempts from researchers, reporters, and people offering movie deals, neither Newton nor Scully would reveal the eight different sources that had provided the details of the Aztec crash.

Harold Sherman had met Newton through Frank Scully who had been a long-time friend. He went on to know Newton for 30 years and gained great respect for him. He called him “an altogether extraordinary person who probably was misunderstood in many fields, but he had an awful lot to him.”[3]

According to Schwarz, it was during the 1972 discussion that Sherman had told him Wilbert Smith had provided access to the Aztec crash bodies for Silas Newton. In his 1983 book “UFO Dynamics“ Schwarz wrote “through the intervention of Wilbert Smith, electronics expert and organizer of Project Magnet Newton later actually saw the humanoids himself.”[4]

The significant part of this disclosure is that the Newton, although accosted by many researchers as an untrustworthy con man, ended up describing an event that now fits with what we know about Smith.

As well as telling a story that other more reliable people were telling, the story also rings true because if Newton made up the story about seeing the bodies it makes no sense that he would claim to have been given this ultimate Top Secret access through a foreign national. He would surely have claimed access through some high level U.S. official, or through his mysterious group of eight scientists known as ‘Dr. Gee.”

Another fact not known in 1972 when Schwarz and Sherman spoke is the fact that Smith was very interested in the Aztec crash. In 1983 a transcript of a September 1950 interview between Wilbert Smith and a U.S. military scientist by the name of Dr. Robert Sarbacher was released.

In this interview Dr. Robert Sarbacher had told Smith “the facts in the book (Frank Scully’s book on crashed flying saucers) are substantially correct.”[5] Smith would therefore have been operating under the assumption that the Aztec crash did take place despite the numerous debunking articles that were being written about the Scully book in the early fifties. There is little doubt that Smith would have followed on Aztec with other high-ranking U.S. officials.

There was no correspondence between Smith and Scully or Newton found in Scully’s files at the University of Wyoming, or in the Wilbert Smith files found at the University of Ottawa. Any contact with Newton by Smith would have been by phone or through channels.

The evidence that Smith had seen the bodies continued to surface in a 1997 message published on the Usenet from a former President of the Montreal Flying Saucer Club. This group was very active during the sixties, and it had contacts with the Ottawa Flying Saucer Club just down the road. The two groups had also done work together on two large objects that had been recovered from the shore of the St. Laurence River in 1961.

The story told by the former president, who identified himself only as The Observer, is that four members of the Montreal group had been visiting Ottawa in early 1964, and that they had stayed over-night at Mrs. Smith’s home.

It was during supper during the evening that Mrs. Smith told tales about her former husband. One of the stories included the fact that Wilbert Smith had personally viewed dead alien bodies. In an E-mail to this author The Observer wrote,

“We were told about the bodies that Wilbert Smith had seen when he was personally invited by the US military. We were simply told that he saw the bodies and from the impression that I received it was for only a short time – minutes not hours.”[6]

This Montreal Flying Saucer Club member further described the bodies according to what he recalled Mrs. Smith had stated.

“Mr. Smith described (to his wife) the dead occupants as having been approximately 4.5 to 5 feet in height, grayish blue tint to the skin, large eyes, small slit for a mouth and four long fingers with no thumbs.”[7]

This large eyes and four finger description is the only time a “grey type” description of the alien was ever associated with Wilbert Smith. The Observer, in relating what Mrs. Smith had told the four Montreal members, might have added more than what they were actually told. For example, in a separate article written by The Observer concerning the disclosures made by Wilbert’s wife, the claim was made that the Smith description was associated with Roswell. The article also stated Smith had been invited to the crash site. Smith did not get involved in flying saucers till 1950, so there is no way he was at the Roswell crash site in July 1947.[8]

The large eyed grey idea was not only unknown to Wilbert Smith, it was also unknown in the UFO world prior to the 1961 abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. There were tall 7’ 8’ or 10’ beings, little men, small hairy dwarf like beings, dwarf-like beings with large heads, entities shaped like potato bags, robot-like creatures, entities without heads, and many many “humanlike figures.”

The days when Wilbert Smith was researching where dominated by contactees, and Wilbert Smith was one himself. In a letter to a Mr. Milne in 1957, for example, Smith stated, “It is my opinion that the people from outside are so much like us that they could mingle with us and we would be none the wiser.”

Once Smith died and the Hill abduction gained widespread publicity, all the alien encounters from 1947-1961 were basically removed from UFO histories as if they had never occurred.

Most present day researchers, for example, would probably agree with J. Allen Hynek (Scientific Consultant to the United States Air Force Project Blue Book) who described “most contactees as ‘pseudo-religious fanatics of low credibility value,”[9] or with abduction researcher David Jacobs who stated “basically contactee followers were gullible people who, through lack of adequate factual information about the UFO phenomena, formulated a belief system that easily incorporated the contactees “claims as fact.’”[10]

The usual telling of the Smith body story is the one related in 1998 when researcher and author Palmiro Campagna wrote the following in the Postscript section of his 1998 soft cover edition of “The UFO Files.” He wrote,

“According to James Smith, on one of his many trips to the U.S. Wilbert Smith told his son that he was shown recovered bodies from a recovered craft. Wilbert Smith described the bodies as small and humanoid in appearance.”

In July 2000 I interviewed James Smith by phone and revisited the issue of the alien bodies that Smith had seen. James stated that he had been told about the bodies as his father was near death. James was did not recall that the body description involved greys – simply small people.

In March 2002 James Smith was a guest on the “Strange Days… Indeed” radio show where he described the UFO hardware his father had received from the United States to analyze, and he again was asked about the alien body story.

James Smith described the aliens as “small humanoid” and “like descriptions of the time.” These descriptions were in agreement with descriptions made by many other people having alien encounters in the fifties. They would also agree with Smith’s notion that alien were not much different than we were and might even be distant relatives.


If it occurred, it seems most probable that the Smith viewing of the crashed saucers and bodies occurred in the early fifties. The reasons for that would include.

  • Correspondence from the Canadian Embassy in Washington during 1951 indicate that during that period Smith was dealing, at least indirectly, with Vannevar Bush at the Research and Development Board in Washington, D.C. Bush, being the head of the U.S. flying saucer effort would have been able to give Smith access to craft and bodies.
  • Most importantly, Smith directed the classified Project Magnet from December 1950 to August 1954. With his clearance he would have been in a position to be shown the craft and body. Once the classified program was closed down in August 1954, Smith’s clearance and “need-to-know” on flying saucers probably went with it.
  • Prior to the CIA Robertson panel in January 1953, the subject of flying saucers was more openly discussed. It is then more probable Smith was shown the craft and body before the CIA began the debunking campaign.
  • The report from Sherman that Silas Newton was given access to the bodies through Wilbert Smith’s help, also indicates an early fifties date.
  • The Musgrave story concerning the Washington crashed saucer viewing mentioned the early fifties.
  • The tone of Smith writings near the end of his life in 1962 was not upbeat. Smith had not received a message from AFFA for almost two years. He had taken his anti-gravity experiment apart telling his wife that the world was not ready for it. His writing began to reflect his strong belief that the important part of the UFO mystery was in the philosophy of the aliens rather than in their technological hardware. In the early fifties Smith’s writing had showed a keen interest in discovering the propulsion of the strange new objects.


[1] Memorandum: “Vannevar Bush to Colonel Wood” Research and Development Board Files, National Archives, Box 534, Folder 3. Most of the Canadian contact was made through the liaison of the Research Defense Board of Canada, which was “charged with the establishment of all policies in the field of military research and development as well as exercising the executive functions of administering all the research and development installations in the Military Establishment.

[2] Dr. Omond Solandt, then the head of the Canadian Defense Research Board has on many occasions denied that this Smith – Bush relationship occurred. In a June 8, 1991 interview with Dr. Henry Victorian Solandt said, “Not that they (U.S.) were doing any work on it. They were watching it very closely as far as I knew… I got my information from Van Bush. At that time I used to see him a couple times during the year, and that was a subject that we sometimes discussed, but we never did any joint work on it.”

Solandt was questioned many times about whether or not the Smith had worked with the Americans. In early interviews Solandt stated that Canadians were not granted anything higher than Top Secret. However, in the 1991 interview with Victorian he contradicted this when asked if the Americans would have shared such “very secretive or above top secret” material. “They certainly would have,” replied Solandt. “If we would have shown interest in it and the need to know. We have shared some above top secret information. This is not exactly what we regarded a s being very important.

[3] Schwarz, Berthold “UFO Dynamics – Book 2” Carlstadt, New Jersey: Rainbow Books, 1983 p.535

[4] Ibid. P. 534

[5] From the transcript of an interview between Wilbert Smith and Dr. Robert Sarbacher, September 15, 1950. Found in Wilbert Smith’s personal files.

[6] E-mail “The Observer < pidivi@dsuper.net> to Grant Cameron”

[7] The Observer “Roswell is Factual” alt. Alien Visitors 06/18/1997

[8] Another thing that indicates the grey was foreign to Smith and everyone else in the 1950s was the reaction of Wilbert Smith’s metallurgist to Dr. Robert Sarbacher’s description of the alien bodies as “insect like.” When this Sarbacher/Steinman letter became public I sent it to the metallurgist for comment. He phoned days later absolutely shocked at the insect description. He told me that the Smith group had discussed the aliens many times and that this type of alien was never brought up.

[9] Pope, Nick, “The Uninvited”

[10] Jacobs, David “The UFO Controversy In America” Indiana University Press 1975 p. 113`

crash_comic This comic released in January 1997 was released a full 18 months before Len Stringfield made is historic speech at the MUFON Symposium about crashed flying saucers and dead alien bodies. Some people assume discussion of crashes and aliens have always been around. It is not so.

General Clark Discusses Space Vision Again

Written by Grant Cameron
Wednesday, 05 January 2005 06:00
“We must once again commit ourselves to a great pioneering journey that will be worthy of remembrance 100 years from now.  We must once again dare to go where we have never gone before.” –Wesley K. Clark Statement on the 100th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers Flight, December 17th, 2003

“I still believe in e=mc², but I can’t believe that in all of human history, we’ll never ever be able to go beyond the speed of light to reach where we want to go. I happen to believe that mankind can do it. ” Wesley Clark in New Hampshire, September 27, 2003


Wesley Clark, who in September was quoted in reply to a question from STS-90 astronaut Dr. Jay Buckey Jr., as saying he believed it was possible to exceed the speed of light, has now made additional statements in favor of advanced space technologies.

Wesley Clark, who dreamed of being an astronaut before entering the military, now even has a space page on his website where people can weigh in on space policy.


Clark’s campaign opened the site encouraging the space community at large to post their opinions and thoughts about space policy  “with the express understanding that such input will be taken very seriously as the Clark campaign prepares an official policy statement regarding the future of the space program.”

Clark’s first statement on space and advanced propulsion led to some speculation that the 4-Star General might be speaking based on knowledge of black budget programs. In reaction to the statement one intelligence source even claimed General Clark “knows something about the crash retrieval.” The statement however did not generate any follow up questions from the media or the UFO community. It is doubtful these new statements will generate any further questions either.

The two new statements about Clark’s hopes for future space exploration appeared on his space web page.

Clark on Human Mars Exploration

By Loretta Hidalgo
Posted to Space on Fri Dec 19th, 2003 at 03:47:22 PM EST

The head of political action for the Mars Society got to meet General Clark on Dec 9th and ask him about his stance on a human Mars mission.   Clark said he wants to be able to speed up the trip!

He said he wants new propulsion and enabling technologies because he doesn’t like the idea of 6-9 month voyages to Mars. He also said that it is his goal to enable us to go beyond the Solar System.  Now that is a 100 year vision!

Clark wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid- like so many of us.  I think he is the one leader who could put NASA’s house of cards back together again.

Keep bringing people to our space.forclark blog!  Lets show our numbers! It’s up to us to create the space program of our dreams.

Clark speaks on space during houseparty telecon!

By George Whitesides
Posted to Space on Fri Dec 19th, 2003 at 08:59:34 PM EST
Did anyone else hear Clark’s comments on space during the 8pm pacific houseparty telecon??  They were great!!

I don’t have the exact words (did anyone record the call?), but he said that he didn’t just want to go places we’d already been — a great critique of the new Bush administration space policy expected early in ’04.

What was exciting was the fire in his voice when he talked about space, and his obvious knowledge of the subject.  This issue is clearly something that he’s thought about, cares about, and wants to do something about.

I was sitting in the telecon with another space enthusiast, and our jaws just dropped when he starting talking about space.  We were blown away.  What were other people’s reactions?


MJ-12 Steals Jim Moseley’s Film: The Cover-up Continues

Written by Grant Cameron
Thursday, 13 August 2009 00:41
It was Saturday evening, November 15th, at the recent Crash Retrieval Conference hosted by Ryan Wood in Las Vegas Nevada. A dozen attendees had gathered in Greg Bishop’s room on the 12th floor of the Sunset Station Casino for a party he was hosting.

On of the many attending was James Moseley, editor of the famous UFO publication Saucer Smear.

He had dropped by for a couple of drinks and to overhear the latest gossip in the world of UFOs. Jim brought his famous camera that had taken many an incriminating picture for his UFO magazine. He was hoping to collect new pictures for the upcoming edition of his newsletter.

For Jim it started as a wonderful party. It ended up being a night from hell.

Nov17193 Jim had been taking pictures of the first two days of events. This included the Friday news conference, the Friday “Meet the Speakers” event where people like John Lear wandered around, and the  Saturday speakers.He had collected the material he needed to do his expose on the Vegas convention. You could see the wheels turning as he planned his upcoming dissection of the conference.

Then the film vanished like Mr. X who first sent Jamie Shandera the original MJ-12 document in December 1984.

Nick Redfern had been taking pictures of Lisa Davis and Jim Moseley together.

The film was finished and Nick handed back the camera to Moseley who went to put in a new film. He opened it and realized the film was gone. This single ten-inch piece was all that came out of the camera.

Vegas_1 Moseley was at first puzzled, (just look at the expression on his face) but this turned to anger very quickly. As those in the room laughed, Jim began questioning people about who had removed the film. No one had the answer he was seeking. He reminded everyone that it was impossible for the film to have disappeared.

It was at this point the fireworks began.

The mystery was never solved. The next morning at the Sunday session of speakers, he was still outside the lecture hall trying to unravel the film’s disappearance.

A careful investigation of story and name collecting was conducted. The lineup of suspects include the following,

Nov17155 Greg Bishop: A very likely suspect even though he was on the other side of the room most of the time. Greg, author of “Wake Up Down There!” and the upcoming book “Project Beta: How US Intelligence Created an Alien Invasion”, spoke at the convention on the Paul Bennewitz affair. He showed new pictures of Moore and Doty, so maybe he needed Jim’s pics for his collection, or his website www.excludedmiddle.com

Greg remains a key suspect because of his close association with arch Moseley protagonist Bill Moore. Weeks ago, in fact, Greg interviewed Moore for three hours on radio. This is the first time Moore has surfaced in almost a decade.

Image20 Peter Robbins – Peter was another of the convention speakers. He spoke on the questionable suicide of James Forrestal. Perhaps he knew the inside story of the questionable loss of Jim Moseley’s film.Robbins spent most of his time talking to Greg Bishop, either a sign of a joint conspiracy to get the film, or he was checking out the possibility of becoming a “bird” in the Aviary.
Image21 Matthew Williams who spoke on the “British Area 51” pretended to sleep through the whole party. This innocent looking guy spends much of his spare time sneaking into some of Britain’s most secure underground facilities.

Matthew also spoke on the infamous British computer hacker Matthew Bevan. Need I say more? His pockets should have been checked before he left the room.

Image22 Nick Redfern who spoke on Cosmic Crashes: UFO Crashes in Britain was a likely suspect. He took the last two pics (of Lisa and Jim) just before the film disappeared. Just look at the grin on his face, and think carefully.The fact that this guy has a pile of authored books under his belt goes to show he is no dummy.
Image23 Jonathan Downes – Jonathan spoke on Puerto Rico UFO Crashes, and his experience with the Chupacabra animal deaths that were reported there while he was there doing a documentary.
A loveable teddybear who never left his chair, (even the girls came to him) Jonathan  is the only one removed from the list of suspects.

Lisa Davis, is the director of the web site THEDOORISOPEN devoted to “decipher on a spiritual level what the UFO/Abduction phenomena means to us at this time.” Unpublished photos of her and Moseley make her the most likely MJ-12 operative.

KennThomas Kenn Thomas: Who spoke on the strange 1947 crash at Maury Island near Tacoma Washington. Kenn, who is the editor at Steamshovel Press.com, is a man who has researched and written on conspiracy. Perhaps anticipating a slow news day Kenn decided to create a new conspiracy.

He appeared to be on the other side of the room when Jim discovered the film was gone, but with an excerpted chapter from a book by Adam Gorightly featured on his present online edition called “The Prankster and the Conspiracy…” He remains on the main list of suspects.

Did Jim Moseley have incriminating photos in his camera that someone needed destroyed? Was one of the people in the room a member of MJ-12, determined to prove to Jim that things do go bump in the night? Did Jim himself set up the whole incident as a publicity stunt? It appears we may never know.

Like the UFO mystery there are things that remain secret and unsolved. The investigation continues. Perhaps some day someone will get the missing film in their mailbox and we may be able to get to the bottom of this mystery. If not, at least we will be able to see the pictures that caused the mystery in Vegas.


Presidents and the Hard Evidence

Written by Grant Cameron
Thursday, 13 August 2009 13:10
Vegas 2004 Presentation

Presented in Henderson Nevada at the 2nd Annual Crashed Saucer Conference November 13th and 14th, 2004

Grant Cameron

Part 1: The Presidents and the Hard Evidence

Image result for harold sherman the green man

Long before Harold Sherman wrote his famous 1946 book “The Green Man” about an alien visiting the earth, there were indications that key people inside the United States government had a crashed saucer in their possession.

According to one popular story, Roosevelt’s Secretary of State Cordell Hull showed his cousin Reverend Turner Hamilton Holt a craft and pickled alien bodies in the subbasement of the U.S. capitol.

Despite the lack of documents in presidential files there are strong indicators that the early Presidents were aware of UFO crashes and controlled the secrecy surrounding the subject. Many of the main men who were involved in rumored UFO crash retrievals were close to the President.

There is lack of supporting evidence which would clearly show the President’s role in crashed saucers. The reason for this is that the President is purposely kept clear of any paperwork. The President is kept up to date on events but much of it is done orally to prevent a traceable paper trail.

General Robert Landry, who was the Air Force aide to President Truman, discussed this protection mechanism in two oral history interviews that he gave to the Truman Library. General Landry said that part of his job was to brief the President on UFOs. He stated that this was done every three months from February 1948, when Landry came to the White House, and continued until Truman left office in January of 1953. This would have amounted to 19 or 20 briefings. Landry told the interviewer that the UFO briefing given to the President was always oral.

More evidence that Truman was being kept orally briefed on important UFO events comes when we look at the President’s role in the UFO crash at Roswell. There are no records White House files showing that he met with any of the key Roswell participants. However, the little evidence we have shows conclusively that he met “off the record” with at least two key Roswell participants.

The first was Edwin Easley who was the Provost Marshall at the Roswell Army Air Base. His job was to provide security at the UFO crash site. A check at the Truman Library will show no record that he ever talked to, corresponded with, or met with Truman.

However, when asked about what he saw at the crash site, Edwin always stated that he had promised Truman his silence. When he was on his deathbed in 1992 he broke his promise and admitted to his family that he had seen more than a weather balloon at the crash site. In a Roswell special done by the SciFi channel his daughter stated,

Whenever we would ask him about Roswell, he would simply tell us that he had promised President Truman that he would not talk about it, and he wouldn’t talk about it.

In 1992, he was dying and already on high doses of morphine. My niece kept asking him, “Well Pappy – What did you see out there? What did you see? What did you see? And finally he said, “Creatures.”

General Roger Ramey is second example of a key player who has no White House record of ever having met with, talked, or corresponded with President Truman. He played a key role in Roswell, coming up with the weather balloon theory to cover up what had actually been found. Later in the second Truman term he led the debunking effort in front of the press corps after UFOs were spotted flying over the White House twice in July 1952.

Although the written official record shows no contact between Ramey and the President, an interview done with Ramey’s wife after his death showed that not only did the two meet, they were good friends and Truman and his wife had actually visited the Rameys on more than one occasion at their home in Fort Worth, Texas.

The interview was done by Major George Filer, a former intelligence officer in the United States Air Force. Filer told me,

Mrs. Ramey told me that she and her husband had been visited by Truman on several occasions. She indicated that they were quite friendly.

Major Filer further informed me that he had learned of another Truman connection to Roswell. That connection was that he had been “told by a Wright Patterson historian” that “Truman sent out award letters to the Wright Patterson Base Commander” following Roswell.

President Truman was the first president to actually have to publicly deal with the “UFO age.” He and the government of the day were scrambling to secretly put the pieces together so they could react to what most were viewing as a challenge to the security of America. What many don’t know is that those in charge of the American efforts were reaching out to other countries to help get an answer.

One of those countries that was “in the loop” was Canada. The fact that Canada was aware of the fact America possessed a crashed saucer is one of the many untold stories of Ufology.

The “crashed saucer truths” were known by Canada as early as 1950, only three years after the first explosion of flying disc stories on American newspapers front pages. The Canadian who was in charge of collecting this material for the Canadians was Wilbert Brockhouse Smith. His brief 12 years of UFO research is one of the most amazing stories in Ufology.

Smith was the head of the official flying saucer investigation run by the Canadian government. The project was known as Project Magnet. It ran from December 1950 to August 1954. It is important to this conference because it dealt in part with crashed saucers and hardware. Moreover, much of what was discovered was documented in writing.

According to Mrs. Smith her husband, Wilbert, was dealing directly with the then Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. She cited an example in 1952 when an interim Project Magnet report sat on the Prime Minister’s desk for three months before Smith and the Prime Minister jointly decided the time was not right for the release of the report.

When the government was confronted about Project Magnet in the Canadian parliament in the 1960s, a government minister insisted that that the Canadian government never had any serious interest in flying saucer investigation, and that Wilbert Smith’s UFO work had only been a hobby that he did in his spare time.

Fortunately, the government lie was exposed for all to see a couple decades after the minister’s denial. It was exposed by Smith himself who had then had been dead for 20 years. Smith, you see, was dying of cancer of the lower bowel. When he realized that he would not survive his illness he gave his wife, Murl, instructions to hide his UFO files to protect them from the government people who he had come to totally distrust. He predicted they would be coming to recover the files following his death.

The files were hidden at the home of his eldest son James, and true to his prediction, once Smith died people representing the Canadian, United States, and Soviet Union approached Mrs. Smith asking for the files. They all claimed the files would be used for research purposes.

Mrs. Smith told me that each of the representatives was told that she had destroyed the files. They left, but at that point, as Murl told me in a 1978 interview, the break-ins at the house began. On more than one occasion, the door would be forced open but nothing in the house was taken. Mrs. Smith was convinced it was the work of people looking for the files.

Decades later when Smith’s files were placed at the University of Ottawa, the true extent of Smith’s work became open for all to see. It became clear that Smith had been the head of an official flying saucer investigation funded and approved by the Canadian government.

In an October 28, 1955 letter to prominent UFO contactee Dan Fry, Smith wrote about his government status related to flying saucers.

You may know that I am the fellow who was in charge of the Canadian Government’s Project Magnet, which was the official saucer study.

Smith’s flying saucer investigation even involved the setting up of the only official government flying saucer observatory known in the western world. It was in operation from 1953 to 1954 when it was shut down along with Project Magnet. It consisted of a small shack on Defense Research Board property outside of the nation’s capitol. It tracked five different elements that Smith believed might be affected by the flyover of a flying saucer.

The station gained worldwide notoriety in August 1954 when Smith and his team of scientists and technicians claimed they had detected an unknown object that put some of the detecting instruments right off the scale. Smith’s statement to the press was that it did not resemble any known phenomena. The ensuing publicity from papers all over the country was too much for the Canadian government and Smith. The flying saucer station was closed down, Project Magnet was shut down, and the official government flying saucer investigation went underground.

Much of what happened inside Project Magnet was Top Secret, and there is no record of it in Smith’s files. There were however, a glimpse of what was going on and it was very leading edge research.

The biggest untold story was actually leaked by the government itself. In 1967, the centennial year of the country, the Defense Minister Paul Hellyer went to St. Paul Alberta to open a UFO landing pad built by the town as a centennial project. During his speech opening the pad, Hellyer stated that in 1954 the government had opened a Top Secret Base for UFOs to land.

Knowing that this would have been part of the secret Project Magnet work I contacted Murl Smith and asked her if Wilbert had been involved. She stated that he had in fact been at the center. She told me that Wilbert had found a way to communicate with an alien and that he had convinced the Canadian government to open a base so the alien and his craft could land.

The base was known as Suffield Research Station. It is Canada’s equivalent to Area 51. It had a restricted fly zone over it, and it did a lot of Top Secret research such as the early testing of nerve gas.

What happened according to Murl is that an agreement had been made where the government would allow the alien to land without trying to shoot it down, the alien would land, the government would meet with the alien, and then the alien would fly off. Three groups were involved (the Prime Minister, the military running the base, and the RCMP). Each would all have to sign off on every aspect of the operation.

The agreement started to fall apart when the military could not give a 100% guarantee the alien would be allowed to take off again. The Prime Minister had a cabinet meeting, and no guarantee was forth coming. Smith called off the landing.

Years later I was one of three researchers who went after Hellyer for the records of the event. He was widely quoted as having disclosed the event and was in a box. His only out was a poor memory and that was the card he played. He stated that he had been told about the experiment by his UFO expert when he was Defense Minister in 1967. The thing was he couldn’t remember his name. We pressured him and he then claimed to have gone to his government files that were then being offered up to the National Archives. Not surprisingly he stated that he couldn’t find the UFO files that he had been provided by the expert.

The Project Magnet Shutdown

In Smith’s files there were a number of letters that described why the Canadian government shut down the flying saucer program. These insights into the shutdown are important for two reasons.

  1. They are reasons being listed by Wilbert Smith who was the head of the program.
  2. They give an insight into why governments around the world are keeping the alien presence secret.

According to a January 26, 1956 letter that Wilbert Smith sent to Dan Fry one of the key reasons for the shutdown and subsequent cover-up was embarrassment.

Fact is when certain government people came face to face with the reality of the space people, and realized that wasn’t anything that they could do about it; they promptly closed their eyes and hoped the whole thing would go away. (Underlined in the original letter)

Furthermore, Smith said that the Canadian government felt helpless. In an interview with the Sudbury Star newspaper Smith stated,

The only reason that those in authority have said nothing about it is that they simply don’t know what to do about it.

In a February 2, 1959 letter to a Canadian researcher Smith added,

No minister in his right mind is going to release ANY report which may prove embarrassing or give rise to questions which he or his colleagues might find difficult to answer.

Despite the fact that all governments have chosen to cover up the ET presence, Smith stated that all government knew. In a February 23, 1959 letter Smith stated,

For your information EVERY nation on this planet has been officially informed of the existence of the space craft and their occupants from elsewhere, and as nations they must take responsibility for any lack of action or for any official position they may take. There is nothing more to be done along these lines, and effort in this direction is wasted.

Prior to the shutdown of Project Magnet, Smith conducted many studies and met with some of the top people in the United States flying saucer program. This included contact with Dr. Vannevar Bush who has always been rumored to have been the main scientist directing flying saucer research in the United States.

The United States Evidence Trail: How it all Began

Smith had become interested in flying saucers after reading flying saucer books written by Major Donald Keyhoe and Frank Scully. He described his initial investigation in the United States to one newspaper and how it led to the creation of Project Magnet.

In 1950 I was attending a rather slow-moving broadcasting conference in Washington D.C. and having some free time on my hands, I circulated around asking a few questions about flying saucers, which stirred up a hornet’s nest.

I found that the U.S. government had a highly classified project set up to study them, so I reasoned that with so much smoke maybe I should look for the fire.

The fire that Smith eventually found included conclusive evidence that the “officials” in the United States had crashed flying saucers and had chosen to cover it up.

After asking a number of questions in the U.S., Smith returned to write an official TOP SECRET memo to the Canadian government detailing what he had learned. The memo, written in November 1950, did not become public until 1979 when researchers forced the Canadian government to release it.

On page two of the three page memo Smith wrote,

  • The matter is the most highly classified item in the United States, rated higher than the hydrogen bomb.(which was still in a classified development stage at the time)
  • Flying saucers exist
  • Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being mad by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush.
  • The United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines, which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena.
  • The entire matter is considered by United States officials to be of tremendous significance.

The Canadian government reaction to the TOP SECRET memo was one of approval. The deputy minister in the Department of Transport wrote at the bottom of the memo. “OK, Go ahead with it and keep me posted from time to time.”

The material that Smith was getting from the United States was coming through the Canadian Embassy down the road from the White House in Washington D.C.

In his hidden files Smith left copies of letters to and from the embassy which pointed out how seriously the Canadian were taking the information that was being gathered by military liaisons working out of the embassy.

Based on the information gathered both Smith and the embassy officials knew the reality of saucers. One high ranking official at the Embassy wrote Smith,

The official position here is that nobody knows anything at all about the matter at all. We are, of course keeping out eyes and ears open and if anything does develop you will probably hear about it though the Wright and Solandt channel. On the Ambassador’s instruction no one at the Embassy, apart from Wright and myself, is to discuss the matter with anyone.

The embassy was so certain of the material that had been gathered that they were actually anticipating the U.S. government might soon make a public statement. Gordon Cox at the Embassy wrote Smith.

The ambassador and I would be particularly interested in any indication you may have heard while you were here on the possibility of any U.S. Government statement.

The evidence that the Canadians were basing their evaluation on was wide and deep. It even extended to the rumored head of the United States flying saucer program – engineer Dr. Vannevar Bush. Bush was the technology czar of the U.S. military complex during world WW11 that created such things as the atomic bomb, the homing torpedo, radar, and dozens of other inventions.

Smith had identified Bush as the head of “a small group” that was investigating the flying saucer situation on behalf of the American military and government. Smith’s personal files showed that Smith had even had contact with Bush.

After writing the TOP SECRET memo, Smith requested a clearance to talk to American officials and scientists on classified flying saucers issues. He received the clearance and prepared a paper on a theory for flying saucer propulsion based on the eye-witness sightings that had been collected by Project Magnet.

The paper was couriered to Dr. Bush by prominent UFO researcher and writer Major Donald Keyhoe. In a letter written to Gordon Cox at the Canadian Embassy Smith detailed the Bush contact.

I understand that Keyhoe was to have taken it to Dr. Bush for clearance. I do not know what Dr. Bush’s reaction to the material contained in the main portion of the article and my revision, but his reaction should certainly be interesting and I should like to have a talk with Keyhoe sometime at your convenience to ascertain this point.

Some of the information Smith received in the United States came from Dr. Robert Sarbacher. He, like Smith and Vannevar Bush, was an electrical engineer who ran the Washington Institute of Technology Oceanographic and Physical Sciences which was just down the street from the Canadian Embassy. Dr. Sarbacher had done work for the Canadians including working on the DEW line radar stations that were built to detect a Russian bomber attack from over the North Pole.

On September 15, 1950 Wilbert Smith conducted an interview with Dr. Sarbacher through the Canadian military liaison at the Canadian Embassy. Sarbacher gave Smith confirmation that the flying saucer situation was very real.

WBS: I am doing some work on the collapse of the earth’s magnetic field as a source of energy and I think our work may have a bearing on flying saucers.

RIS: What do you want to know?

WBS: I have read (Frank) Scully’s book on the saucers and I would like to know how much of it is true.

RIS: The facts reported in the book are substantially correct.

WBS: Then the saucers exist?

RIS: Yes, they exist.

WBS: Do they operate as Scully suggests on magnetic principle?

RIS: We have not been able to duplicate their performance.

WBS: So they come from some other planet?

RIS: All we know is, that we didn’t make them, and it’s pretty certain they didn’t originate on the earth.

WBS: I understand the whole subject of saucers is classified.

RIS: Yes, it is classified two points higher than the H-bomb. In fact, it is the most highly classified subject in the U.S. government at the present time.

WBS: May I ask the reason for this classification?

RIS: You may ask, but I can’t tell you.

WBS: Is there any way in which I can get some information, particularly as it might fit in with our own work?

RIS: I suppose you could be cleared through your own Defense Department and I am pretty sure arrangements could be made to exchange information. If you have anything to contribute we would be glad to talk it over, but I can’t give you any more at the present time.

Years later Dr. Sarbacher recalled that the information he had gathered came from overhearing stories about a series of briefing on crashed flying saucers that had been held at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Dr. Sarbacher had been invited to go but had declined due to a busy schedule. He did however hear scientists talking about what they had learned from the briefing sessions.

When the Sarbacher-Smith interview transcript became public researcher in the early 1980s, Stanton Friedman tracked Sarbacher down to get details on the crashed saucer briefings that had been held at Wright Patterson, and to see if he could add anything more to what he had told Wilbert Smith in 1950. He is part of the transcript of the conversation.

Sarbacher: I had to run my own business, my laboratory and I couldn’t go to all the meetings. Now they did have, at least I was told, that’s when Karl Compton was down there.

Friedman: Yah.

Sarbacher: I was told that they had recovered a UFO with some people in it.

Friedman: Bodies, whatever.

Sarbacher: I don’t know, that’s what I think I was told.

Friedman: Did he tell you where?

Sarbacher: Well we were having a meeting at Wright Field and I couldn’t go. But later on one of the fellows said to me that those guys if they were people were made like insects.

Friedman: Did you get any clue as to where the crash had occurred?

Sarbacher: It was somewhere out west.

Friedman: OK. Any idea what year this was?

Sarbacher: Well, yah. Let’s see… Freddie (Darwin) was there in Washington. It was in the early 50s.

Friedman: OK. Did they imply that the crash had just happened or that this had happened some time before?

Sarbacher: Well yes. The conversation was that it had been recovered. The crash. That’s what we were talking about. We were going to have a meeting…going out to discuss it.

Sarbacher’s comments indicate that a UFO crash had occurred, and that top scientists associated with the military had been called in. It was therefore this information that Sarbacher used to answer Wilbert Smith’s September 1950 questions.

Wilbert Smith and the Crashed Saucers

The fact that Smith had knowledge of crashed saucers and bodies was known to me, and people who had been close to Smith, since the 1970s. It was not announced to the public till 2002.

Wilbert’s oldest son James was the one that made the fact public. In an earlier conversation with me, he had said that he was covered under the official secret act of Canada and therefore couldn’t discuss it. I reminded him that I had been told by one of Smith’s close UFO associates, a military scientist by the name of Art Bridge, that the official secret act lasted 25 years. Therefore, I explained after 1987 he should be free to talk about it because that would have been 25 years after his father’s death. At that point James then started to talk.

In an interview with the Canadian UFO show “Strange Days Indeed” James first talked about all the UFO hardware that had been sent to his father by American officials for analysis.

James: “Many times I do remember blue military cars pulling up to the house and leaving packages of things for him to do metallurgic analysis on. We asked him what they were and he said they were chunks of unidentified things that the military had either shot down or found. 

SDI: Unidentified things, or did he actually use the word flying saucers?

James: Yes, on a couple of instances I remember packages about the size of a loaf of bread coming in. The box would contain a chunk of metal that he had been told that the Air Force had shot of a chunk off a flying saucer. They had already done some analysis it and wanted him to have a go at it too.

SDI: Now was this the American or the U.S. Air Force?

James: Well I don’t recall what color the plate was. But it came from the states. Whether it was delivered to the house by the Canadian or…

SDI: So it came from the states?

James: Yes.

SDI: You actually saw some of these pieces as well Jim?

James: Oh Yes, I saw them when he unpacked the boxes to see what in there, and take a look at it.

SDI: How old would you have been then?

James: Well looking… 10 to 17…in that age group.

SDI: Did you get to handle any of them? How would you know what was an unusual looking piece of metal at 17?

James: I got to handle a few of them. One was a chunk about the size of a brick – semi circular in shape. It was a very smooth metal except for the jagged edges where it had been disconnected from whatever it belonged to. It was quit heavy in terms of its size. He had an analysis done of that one. I remember seeing that particular analysis sheet.

Others close to the Smith UFO work in the 1950s told similar stories about this small UFO hardware that was being sent from the states for analysis. Art Bridge, the military metallurgist working with Smith, openly stated he had handled it. When I asked him “Exactly how much of it he and Smith had actually handled,” he paused for a long time and then said, “Lots of it.”

Another story came from Bob Groves who was a school teacher and a UFO researcher belonging to the Cleveland Ufology Project. A few months before Wilbert died he was in Ottawa visiting Smith. Although Smith was very sick, he took time to talk with Groves. Groves was interested in the work Smith had done on UFO propulsion, but part of what was discussed involved the UFO hardware that Smith had received for analysis from the United States. When Groves arrived back in Cleveland he gave an interview in which he detailed what Smith had told him.

During the actual operation of this when Mr. Smith was on his feet he was constantly visited by both Canadian government officials as well as American government officials. These were, of course, upper echelon people with attaché cases that were chained and locked to their wrists to make sure that none of the information was dropped or left in a bus station. So he had a number of these visits. They had samples they wanted him to analysis of hardware that is actually metal that had had found.

According to Mr. Smith the United States military intelligence has tons of hardware. They had readily admitted this to Mr. Smith upon interview when he was the director of this research project (Project Magnet) in Canada, and they also had much film.

Carol Halford Walkins, who was the wife of one of Smith’s close UFO associates, described another story Smith had told about UFO hardware in possession of U.S. officials. She stated that she recalled Wilbert Smith had talked about a special room that was in the Pentagon. In this room, according to Smith, was a collection of small UFO fragments for display. Smith had been there himself.

In Smith’s files there are letters that detail more about the hardware, and who controls it. In a letter to a Mr. Popowitch Smith wrote,

In posting your representative with questions be sure the questions asked are exactly what you want to know. If you ask, “Does the U.S. Air Force have UFO hardware?” you will get “No” truthfully. The hardware is not held by the Air Force.

In a letter to another member of the Cleveland Ufology Project Smith wrote,

You seem most interested in “UFO hardware.” There is a great deal of this around, most of it in official (not USAF !) hands.

In a phone interview with the same researcher Smith talked again about hardware and about the secret group to whom the UFO fragments were being returned.

Fitch: You say that you had to return it (a piece of hardware) – did you return it to the Air Force, Mr. Smith?

Smith: Not the Air Force. Much higher than that.

Fitch: The Central Intelligence Agency?

Smith: (Chuckles) I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I don’t care to go beyond that point. I can say that it went into the hands of a highly classified group. You will have to solve that problem – their identity – for yourselves.

Wilbert Smith and Crash Retrievals

In his correspondence Wilbert Smith made a few direct references to the fact that he was aware of UFO crash retrievals.

I do have knowledge from excellent sources that saucers HAVE crashed and fallen into the hands of “earth people.” I have even handed “hardware,” but all this is buried deep in classification and may as well be in the fourth dimension for all the good it is in evaluating the reality of the craft or the people who manipulate them.

In a 1955 letter Smith made another comment about crashed saucers.

I think there are several of them in earth people’s hands, but I am afraid that they won’t learn much about them from inspection; about as much as a Hotentot would learn about one of our aircraft. One must go to kindergarten before one goes to college.

James Smith, who had come forward about the hardware his father handled, also stated he was aware his father had been involved in craft retrievals. He told Errol Knapp on the Strange Days UFO radio show,

SDI: Jim, you mentioned that he (Wilbert Smith) was shown bodies at one point.

James: Yes, he was in the states a lot partly due to his work as Superintendent of Radio Regulations. So he had to deal with frequency allocations, channels, radios and that sort of business

So he was frequently on committees in the states where they were working out joint allocations for example. On several occasions he was invited off to be shown things along this line.  That was pretty much under the Official Secrets Act he told us. However, just before he passed away in 1962, when he felt the Act couldn’t get him anymore, I did ask him and he said, “Yes he had seen the bodies.”

SDI: Did he describe them at all? Do you recall?

James: Not that I can recall except that the descriptions that had been out and about were fairly accurate…I think there were descriptions of smallish types. I don’t exactly remember about the coloring. I don’t remember a lot of those details. It just satisfied my curiosity that he had seen them, and that they were real.

I interviewed James on the same subject and he confirmed the fact that Wilbert Smith had also seen a downed craft. This was a story that one of Smith’s close associates had been telling since the 1970s.

Cameron: Buchanan told the story about crashed flying saucers and you mentioned the bodies.

James: Yes.

Cameron: And Buchanan mentioned the story that your father had seen a crashed flying saucer at an Air Force Base outside of Washington.

James: That’s right.

Cameron: Did you ever hear that story?

James: Yes.

Cameron: OK. Did you hear that story from other people or did your dad tell you that.

James: No my dad told me that.

The one crash story that seems to back this Smith account of a crashed saucer outside of Washington is a story that was related by the first crashed saucer researcher, Len Stringfield, in his January 1980 Status Report #2.

The story was told by a former Army Intelligence officer, who Stringfield called Mr. JK. Jk told Stringfield that he had been stationed at Wright Patterson Air Force base and had heard the story that there was a saucer being stored at Langley. Perhaps this is the saucer that Smith saw.

In Status Report #2 Stringfield related a story he had been told about alien bodies being stored at Langley. The story was a claim made by aviation historian Air Force Major Truman Weaver, who was a friend of UFO researcher Don Berliner. Weaver showed a letter to Berliner from Robert Thompson, a friend of his, who was in the aviation business and who claimed in 1953 to have worked “right across the alley” from where 13 alien bodies were being stored. Thompson stated that the strong odor of embalming fluid used to waft over to where he was working. His letter to Weaver he stated that the bodies were later moved to a small Air Force Base (Langley) at Hampton Roads, Virginia.

When Stringfield tracked him down he confirmed that he had worked across from Building 18F, and that although he had not seen the bodies he had seen an “interim report” by his boss, named McAdams which confirmed the fact that the alien craft and bodies were on the base. He confirmed to Stringfield that his understanding was that the 13 bodies and two craft had been moved to Langley. Thompson said that he had heard about the move of the bodies and craft from an unreachable source in Canada.

In Status Report #3 Stringfield had another witness who reported that four bodies from a crash in New Mexico had been seen at Langley.

Another story that shows that Smith had access to the crashed saucer data comes from the story of the Aztec UFO crash in 1948. The story had been written up by Frank Scully in 1950 in a book called “Behind the Flying Saucers.”

In his September 1950 interview with Dr. Robert Sarbacher, Smith asked about how accurate the Aztec story was. Sarbacher replied, “The facts in the book in the book are substantially correct.”

Now the Scully story has generally been written off by most Ufologists as a hoax put over on frank Scully by oil well prospector Silas Newton. However, a single line in a book published in 1983, now indicates that Silas Newton may have been telling the truth. The 1983 reference also gives added weight to the argument that Smith saw the bodies.

The important reference is found in a book called “UFO Dynamics” by Berthold Schwartz. Speaking of Newton Schwartz wrote,

Newton became acquainted with several high-ranking geophysicists who had actually seen the downed craft and occupants, and according to Sherman, through the intervention of Wilbert Smith, electronics expert and organizer of Project Magnet, Newton actually saw the bodies himself.

The importance of the statement is twofold;

  1. If Newton was making up this part of his story it makes no sense that he would say that he received access to alien bodies from a foreign national who would have slim chance at being read into American ultra Top Secret secrets. He surely would have said he was shown by some high ranking US official or scientist.
  2. The story that Smith had access to crashed saucers and bodies was not made public till 20 years after Schwartz wrote of Newton’s claim.

Dr. Eric Walker

Wilbert Smith’s statements and files led to other confirmable goldmines of information. Dr. Eric Walker is a prime example.

When Stanton Friedman tracked down Dr. Robert Sarbacher in 1983, he asked him to identify someone who had been at the crashed saucer briefings held at Wright Patterson who might still be alive. Sarbacher named off a number of people by all were dead. Then he identified one man from Pennsylvania who had attended all the meetings, but he couldn’t remember his name.

I remember there was one guy. Frankly I didn’t like him very much. He had some company as I had. Seemed to me he was in Philadelphia. He was going to all the meetings, and acting very smug about it.

To make a long story short, research was conducted and the name Eric Walker seemed to fit. Walker had a long a distinguished career which included being President of Penn State University for 15 years.

Walker had also been Executive Secretary of the Research and Development Board in the early 1950s. He was close to all the big named rumored with UFOs and MJ-12. He stated, when asked, that he knew all the men listed on the MJ-12 document released by Stanton Friedman and Bill Moore. In fact, when he first entered the Pentagon in 1951 he took over the office of Dr. Vannevar Bush who was at the time leaving public service.

Dr. Sarbacher was recontacted and he confirmed that Dr. Walker was the man who had attended all the crashed saucer briefings.

Six researchers around the world then contacted Walker over the period of eight years to get him to tell what he knew. Dr. Walker was a reluctant witness, but he could not hang up the phone. He eventually gave up enough information to clearly show he had been a key player and that the crashed saucers stories were very real.

The first researcher to contact him was former California researcher Bill Steinman. After Steinman got a confirmation from Sarbacher that Walker was at the meetings, he immediately phoned Walker and asked him if he had attended briefings at Wright Patterson regarding the “military recovery of flying saucers and the bodies of occupants.” Walker replied,

Yes, I attended the meeting concerning that subject matter; why do you want to know about that?

In the same interview Steinman asked him about the MJ-12 document which had been made public only weeks before. Walker replied,

Yes. I know of MJ-12. I have known of them for 40 years. I believe that you’re chasing after and fighting with windmills!!

The term “fighting with windmills” was strange and he was asked a question year later to try and get him to elaborate. In the end it appeared that Dr. Walker thought UFOs were so advanced only those with the “mind of Einstein” could comprehend it, and Ufologists were wasting their time trying to get through the government secrecy that surrounded the subject. On one occasion for example he stated,

You are delving into an area that you can do absolutely nothing about. So why get involved with it or concerned about it? Why don’t you just leave it alone and drop it? Forget about it!!

Often in his contacts with researchers Walker tried to get across the fact that “This is a subject I don’t talk about.” He would try to talk around the questions he was being asked, but ended up giving up little pieces with every interview. Some of the pieces were very confirming.

He volunteered the fact that he had notes from the crashed saucer meetings.

I am sure that I have notes of those meetings at WPAFB. I would have to dig them out and read them over in order to jog my memory.

In 1990 Walker was interviewed by Armen Azadehdel, who claimed to me that he could get Dr. Walker to talk. Azadehdel told me that he and a German friend of his had come across a crashed flying saucer in a mountain area of Bolivia in 1977, while searching for rare orchids which was a hobby of his.

He proceeded to tell the story to Walker to get him talk. Walker asked a number of questions trying to ridicule the story, but when Armen stuck to the story, he suddenly told Armen that he could not help him saying, “I have no resources at all, no friends for these things where I am now.”

Armen took the opportunity to get something concrete,

Q: Have we captured anything? We must have.

A: Sure.

Q: Anything, did we learn anything?

A: Yeah. I think so.

In a later interview Armen asked Walker more questions about the MJ-12 type group running things.

Q: Are there government scientists?

A: Everyone mistakes this issue. I gather by that you mean whether they work for the Defense establishments of the military.

Q: Yes, Doctor, that is what I meant.

A: Well, that is where you are wrong. They are a Handful Of Elite. When you are invited into that group I would know.

Q: Are the members 10, 12, 14? Are they all Americans?

A: I cannot give you the numbers, and no, not necessarily, they are not all Americans.

On crashed saucers Dr. Walker said this,

Q: Have we captured any saucers or any material from the discs to study?

A: The technology is far behind what is known in ordinary terms of physics that you take the measure and obtain measurements. You are pushing for answers aren’t you?

Based on many interviews we concluded that Dr. Walker himself had probably been at the UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pa. He lived only 100 miles away, and had identified 1965 as the last time that he had been involved with UFOs. Azadehdel agreed to interview Walker on the subject. Surprisingly Walker confirmed immediately that he had been there, although he would not talk about what was found.

Well, we went there… There were two from the military – but not on duty.

Years after Dr. Walker died Canadian researcher and writer Palmiro Campana phoned Dr. Walker’s son who had been in charge of Dr. Walker’s papers after he died. Palmiro asked him if he had seen anything in his father’s papers related to UFOs. Brian confirmed that he had seen something. Campagna related to me what Brian told him.

He (Brian Walker) saw a file that contained a number of official government documents but he claims he did not read them. He recalls that there were drawings but does not mention of what i.e. disks, bodies etc. He claims the file contained information on an event in Pennsylvania (Kecksburg perhaps?) and one in the southwestern US.  He does not recall seeing any mention of other persons. He thinks his father destroyed it before his death, as it was never located afterwards.

Arthur Lundahl

The final trail I wish review related to Wilbert Smith’s work is the UFO connection to Arthur Lundahl. Lundahl was considered the premiere intelligence officer of the 1950s in the United States.

Lundahl ran the National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) which was responsible for analyzing all the U-2, SR-71, and satellite surveillance photos. He briefed many Presidents on this collected intelligence, such as when he went into President Kennedy’s office with his large photographic charts to brief the President on the missiles in Cuba.

Lundahl was a very powerful Washington official who happened to be extremely interested in UFOs. This interest was illustrated in a 1971 handwritten note from Lundahl to UFO researcher Dr. James McDonald. The February 2, 1970 letter read in part,

I am glad you are keeping up the good work and assure you that my interest is just as high as ever.

In another April 7, 1970 letter to McDonald on April 7, 1970 Lundahl wrote,

Will look forward to seeing you and engaging in more discussion of a most important subject – the UFOs.

Lundahl played some big roles in UFO history. He was rumored to have been the CIA briefing officer on UFOs for at least three U.S. Presidents. He was rumored to have been using intelligence satellites to look for UFOs. He is confirmed to have directed the analysis of all the photographic evidence that was used in the 1953 CIA Robertson panel report on UFOs. At the time Lundahl was working for the Navy. Months after doing the Robertson Panel UFO photographic work he was hired by the CIA.

It is important to note at this point out that there is also a close connection between Arthur Lundahl and the Majestic Documents that Bob and Ryan Wood have been analyzing for the last number of years.

The main figure at the center of the Majestic Documents is Tim Cooper. In the past year the Woods have released a commendation that was received by Tim’s father Harry. It was signed by Curtis LeMay and cited Cooper for

His exemplar knowledge of film processing and printing techniques provided necessary aids and photographic production for intelligence evaluation of gun camera and still photographs requested on call by the Foreign Technology Division and the National Photographic Interpretation Center in their contribution to the USAF UFO Program.

Harry Cooper therefore was doing UFO related work for Lundahl’s National Photographic Interpretation. It may be a factor in why his son would become the vehicle for government documents after he started filing FOIAs on UFOs.

One of Lundahl’s first UFO roles involved a story that occurred when he was still in the Navy. (The group that Smith had the most contact with in the United States)

In July of 1952 UFOs flew over the U.S. capitol on two separate weekends. Days after the first flyover the CIA had a piece of hardware that was believed to have been related. It had been recovered by Alvin Moore who was the head of the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics Technical Information Branch of ‘BuAer.”

When Moore joined the CIA he showed the piece to Arthur Lundahl who had been a reserve officer in the Navy. Moore said that he and Lundahl had a lot in common “especially about flying saucers.”  Lundahl must have been impressed with the piece as he was still talking to Dr. James McDonald about it in 1970.

Shortly thereafter Moore sent the UFO piece, and a gelatin-like substance that was found at the same time and place, to none other than Wilbert Smith in Canada for analysis.

We know of no letter that went back from Wilbert Smith following his analysis. All Moore described was an analysis from the National Bureau of Standards saying it was not a natural stone. The piece eventually disappeared from Moore’s locked safe in his CIA office.

Wilbert Smith also had a piece related to the 1952 Washington sightings over the White House. Some had concluded that it is the same piece recovered by Alvin Moore. Smith stated that his piece had been shot off a two foot wide disc by a jet. It was similar to the Moore/CIA piece but not exactly.

Q: I have been told by a mutual friend that in 1952 you showed Admiral Knowles a piece of a flying saucer. Is that statement correct?

A: Yes. That is correct. I visited with Admiral Knowles and I had with me a piece which had been shot from a small flying saucer near Washington in July of that year- 1952. I showed it to the Admiral. It was a piece about twice the size of your thumb which had been loaned to me for a short time by your Air Force.

Q: What about this particular piece from that UFO near Washington…did it differ from conventional materials? Was there anything unusual about it?

A: Well the story behind it is this: The pilot was chasing after a glowing disc about two feet in diameter.

Q: Pardon me, sir, but did you say two feet?

A: That is correct. I was informed that the disc was glowing and two feet in diameter. A glowing chunk flew off and the pilot saw it glowing all the way to the ground. He radioed his report and the ground party hurried to the scene. The thing was still glowing when they found it an hour later.

The second story that involved both Lundahl and Wilbert Smith is a fascinating story of an incident that occurred in 1959. It was a story which showed how two different countries could quickly jump on a good UFO cases with the best people they had.

It involved the same alien that was supposed to land at Suffield Station before the deal fell apart.

The story began in 1954 when Smith’s friend Admiral Herbert Knowles was contacted by a woman in his home town of Elliot, Maine, by the name of Francis Swan. (Knowles would later go on to become on of the board members of NICAP)

Mrs. Swan claimed that she was being contacted by aliens many times a day that were orbiting the earth. Knowles watched to see how the contacts were being made. He was impressed and contacted Wilbert Smith, the head of Navy Intelligence, the FBI, and President Eisenhower.

Smith and the FBI showed up immediately to check out the claim. Smith was fascinated with the contact and remained in regular contact with Mrs. Swan right up to his death in 1962. The FBI reported what they had seen and sent it off to the Air Force. The White House held on to the Knowles information and then sent it off to the Secret Service.

Lots of very interesting things happened related to Mrs. Swan and U.S. government agencies, but because it is a long story let me just cite one wild tale, and then move on to 1959 when Arthur Lundahl gets involved.

Author and UFO investigator Major Donald Keyhoe reported in his writings that the United States Air Force had detected large satellite objects orbiting the earth in the fall of 1952 with new long range radar that had just been developed. Keyhoe reported that panic set in within the Air Force, and the race was on to do something about it.

The White House was also became involved. The key point man on the satellite issue for President Eisenhower was his national security advisor General Robert Cutler. Cutler, like Eisenhower, was a fanatic about secrecy.

Cutler was the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council and may be known to many Ufologists as the author of the now infamous Cutler – Twining MJ-12 memo which was discovered in the Suitland Archives. He may also be known by researcher as the man inside the NSC who received the Robertson Panel Report when it was sent to the White House in 1953.

What happened on the mysterious satellite issue was that Stewart Alsop, a powerful syndicated columnist with the New York Herald Tribune, published the story that two mysterious satellites had been discovered. According to Major Keyhoe’s account of the event Cutler was so angry about the leak that people inside the NSC were afraid to be around him.

Lundahl Talks to an Alien

In 1959 Lt. Commander Robert Neasham and U.S. Navy Commander Julius Larsen found the report about Mrs. Swan’s contact with the aliens, and decided to fly from Washington to Maine to investigate her.

Neasham was a close friend of Lundahl’s, and with Lundahl had been one of the founding members of NPIC. Neasham had created the enhanced light source that was used on the NPIC film tables.

Neasham had also worked on the team with Lundahl that had analyzed the CIA Robertson Panel UFO photographic evidence. In fact, he actually testified to the committee, stating that after 1000 hours of analysis of the objects in the Utah (Tremonton) the analysts had determined that the film showed self luminous objects that could not be accounted for by any known physical phenomenon.

Neesham and Larsen stayed at the Swan house for a couple of days, and to make a long story short Mrs. Swan taught Commander Larsen      how to contact the one of the aliens named AFFA.

Neesham and Larsen raced back to Washington with their discovery and headed for the NPIC to show Arthur Lundahl. Lundahl was very interested and asked Larsen to sit down and make a contact with AFFA.

Larsen sat down and subsequently went into trace. Lundahl and Neasham asked questions. Larsen used automatic writing to answer the questions.

After a series of questions a request for proof was made. Neasham asked, “Can we have proof of your existence.”

Larsen switched from automatic writing to talking and things started to happen.

AFFA: What kind of proof do you want?

Neasham: Can we see your craft?

AFFA: When do you want to see it?

Neasham: Now.

AFFA: Go to the window. (Everyone races to the window)

Neasham: Are we looking in the right direction?

AFFA: Yes.

According to a Dr. J. Allen Hynek hand written reproduction of the Lundahl written CIA memo describing the incident,

At this time, approximately 1400, 6 July, 1959, these three men saw what they have indicated was a flying saucer. They described the object as round, with the perimeter brighter than the center. Lt. Commander Neasham checked with Washington Center (Radar) and was informed that for some unknown reason radar return from the direction in which the ship was supposedly seen had been blocked out at the time of the sighting.”

Major Friend from Blue Book was called in for an emergency meeting. In this meeting they attempted another contact which failed. Friend returned to write up the event to his commanding General, but was told to drop it because another agency would handle it.

As a top intelligence official, Lundahl would have had a lot of the answers to the mystery of UFOs that interested him so much.

Former Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Todd Zechel, saw Lundahl’s person library outside of Washington. He said it appeared that Lundahl had every UFO book that had ever been written.

Unfortunately the files related to Lundahl’s UFO work remain hidden. Even Lundahl himself is very much a mystery, perhaps because of his very secret government work. An example is that my request to the FBI came back with a reply that they had “no file” on Arthur Lundahl.

The story of the CIA talking to an alien never became public while it was going on. It only became know in the 1970s when Robert Emenegger and Allen Sandler were approached by the Pentagon officials and told the story. They were then encouraged tell the story in a government directed UFO documentary.

This leads to Part 2 of this talk which looks at how the government has carefully leaked to the public the history of UFO crashes and the secret government handling of the UFO presence on Earth.


Part 2: The Presidents and the Hard Evidence

Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell has stated publicly that his sources have told him that after President Kennedy the cabal that controlled the UFO presence stopped briefing the President on what was going on. If this scenario is correct it represents a serious constitutional problem in America.

The evidence I have seen shows that although the Presidents may not have been given the whole story they appeared to have had enough information to make the security related decisions required of the commander-in chief of the military.

I think some of the confusion lies in the fact that the President has been shielded from any questions that would reveal anything he might know about UFOs, or what he has done to deal with the mystery.

Surprisingly, the President of the United States has only twice publicly taken a question on UFOs twice since 1947. The first was a couple days after the Roswell crash when President Truman was asked whether he knew anything about the flying discs that were on the front pages of major American newspapers in July 1947.

The second UFO question came during a December 1954 press conference when President Eisenhower was asked what he though about UFOs. The question had been inspired by a major flap of sighting that was taking place in Europe at the time.

That was the last time the President was asked, or in other words, the President has not been asked a question in 50 years. It is not hard, therefore, for the public to come to the conclusion that the President doesn’t know anything.

There are a number of incidents, testimonies and statements that show the President has been in the loop all along. President Lyndon Johnson is an example.

Gordon Cooper, the pioneer astronaut who died recently, told a key story in his book “Leap of Faith: An Astronaut’s Journey Into the Unknown” that when he was flying on Gemini 5 photos he had taken of Area 51 had been confiscated, and that President Johnson told him personally, “Son, I ordered it classified.” The statement shows a President in charge.

Johnson also seemed to have inside knowledge about UFOs when one views the events that took place in the days following the Kecksburg UFO crash which occurred in December of 1965.

On the night of the crash Leo Bourassa, who ran Mount Weather where the President and top staffers would be taken in the event of a nuclear attack, was involved in the phone traffic about the crash. He passed on the fact that he had received word of recovered metal in Michigan.

As I mentioned here last year, Bourassa was also important because he was the Director of the Special Facilities Division which was described by former USAF physicist Robert Collins as a cover for the MJ-12 group. In addition, Brigadier-General Steven Lovekin stated that during his time with Signals Corp that Mount Weather had facilities to track UFOs.

NASA was reportedly at the crash site and the next morning, the head of NASA James Webb, landed at Johnson’s Texas ranch to meet with the President. At almost the same time, all the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff landed at the ranch to meet with Johnson. That afternoon the Governor of Pennsylvania flew to the ranch to meet with Johnson.

When Johnson arrived back in Washington a couple days later one of his first meetings was Leo Bourassa’s boss, Lionel Ellington, the head of the Office of Emergency Planning.

If Johnson did know and have control he would have been the perfect President for the job. He had a fascination with the space race right from the night he stood out on his Texas ranch and watched Sputnik orbit overhead in October 1957.

He had the biggest collection of outer space files of any President, and a correct reading of history will show that it was Johnson who talked Kennedy into going to the moon. Kennedy was actually not very interested in outer space.

It was only months after Johnson left office that Project Blue book shut down, and it is not certain what role he played a role in this. One of the people who did play an unintentional role in the closing of Blue Book was then Congressman Gerald Ford. In 1965 Ford had a flap of UFO sighting take place in his Michigan constituency.

He demanded a congressional investigation into the UFO phenomena. In a 1966 interview with Face the Nation Congressman Ford spoke forcefully about the UFO situation.

Mr. Ford, what about flying saucers? You’ve had some in Michigan in the past week. Do you really believe in flying saucers – you’ve called for a congressional investigation?

Dave, we’ve had several incidents in Michigan in the last week -incidents that many reliable good citizens felt were sufficient to justify some action by our government and not the kind of flippant kind of answer that was given by the Air Force where they passed it off as “swamp gas.” And in addition there are other incidents that have happened from time to time – reportings by people who basically I think are fully sincere and who are honest.

It appears to me that this mystery that has been around the country with all the various sightings does require that the Congress take a good look at it. Bring up these witnesses from the Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency. Have them interrogated by members of the House or Senate Committees. Let them put their records on the line. Let the people who have allegedly seen these Unidentified Flying Objects come and testify.

I think the American people would be more assured that there were or were not if a public hearing were held.

The pressure that was exerted by Ford did get the Congress to briefly look at UFOs, but it also gave the Air Force a platform where they were able to get a seemingly independent university to publicly state future investigation was a waste of time. The Air Force took this University of Colorado analysis as the prime opportunity to pull the plug on Project Blue Book, and to get out of the UFO controversy forever.

In terms of what I am about to explain this dumping of Project Blue Book was an important event. When the Air Force dumped Blue Book they were able to completely divest themselves of UFOs, or any discussion of UFOs. UFOs had been a public relations nightmare for the Air Force since 1947.

Consider, for example, the trepidation towards the UFO subject expressed by Colonel Hector Quintanilla in a book that he wrote in the 1970s. Quintanilla was the head of Project Blue Book from 1963 till it shut down in 1969. Quintanilla said,

Little did they (Air Technical Intelligence Center) know, at the time that a pseudo scientific project was about to be dropped in their laps…on a long-term basis it turned out to be a monumental headache for all its Commanders. . ATIC Commanders (would) cringe on hearing the term “Flying Saucers.

It was a dream come true when Air Force Secretary Robert C. Seamans, Jr. summed up the final position of the government on the subject. “Continuation of the Project,” said Seamans, “cannot be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.”

When the Air Force dumped Blue Book they were in a position where they would never again have to put up an Air Force spokesman to make up a wild explanation of how some major UFO sighting the night before was explainable by some natural phenomena.

In Canada, the Air Force and government got out of public UFO investigation about the same time as in the states. The Canadians, however, never got back in. There has never been any major leaks, no intelligence officers telling stories of things going on behind the scenes. It would appear they got out and stayed out.

In the United States, exactly the opposite took place, and it all started with the Presidency of Richard Nixon. In 1973 military officials contacted two film producers in Los Angeles, and asked them to produce a government sponsored UFO documentary. The documentary would tell the public the story that the government not only knew there were UFOs, but that they had actually interacted with the aliens on more than one occasion.

The government would in effect get out of the frying pan in 1969, and in 1973 not only get back in the frying pan but jump right into the fire. The disclosure of UFO truths, however, would be carefully controlled. It would be a plan that worked so well it is still being used today to mold our UFO world view.

If you look back about what we believe regarding UFOs, you will find what we believe is not an accumulation of things we have discovered, but things that have been leaked to us. Consider crashed saucers and dead aliens which were largely pushed by a series of unnamed sources who approached Len Stringfield in the mid 1970s. Consider the notions of an MJ-12 cabal and a captured live alien that were leaked to Bill Moore and Stanton Friedman in the early 1980s. Consider our notion of Area 51 which was leaked by Lazar and a couple other sources who claimed to have worked inside the base. We have been directed to believe what we now accept as fact.

The Plan

Almost from the beginning of the modern UFO era, there have been strong indications that the cabal behind the UFO cover-up have performed a duel role of both releasing and covering up key parts of the UFO story such as crashes, communications with the aliens, and recovered dead and live aliens. The two elements are then mixed with disinformation and a lot of confusion to prevent anyone from confirming any important part of the UFO story. That has always been the plan.

An early example of this can be illustrated in a story told by Ward Kimball at the 1979 MUFON conference. Ward was a close friend of Walt Disney, working as one of the nine original key animators in the Disney Company.

Kimball stated in his MUFON presentation that the USAF had approached Walt Disney in the mid 1950s requesting that Disney do a UFO documentary to acclimatize the public to the fact that we were being visited by extraterrestrial beings. The officers approaching Disney stated that he would be provided with UFO film from government archives that could be used in the film to help convince the people that UFOs were extraterrestrial.

Disney accepted the offer and began to produce the documentary. Near the end of production, however, the USAF notified Disney that the film would have to be withdrawn. Disney was forced to finish the UFO documentary without the film. The message got out and the cover-up remained intact.

As bizarre as the Disney UFO story is, it has a second part. It occurred when famous British photographer, Mike Maloney visited the Disney Company in 1972. The story he told in 1995 hints at the fact that the Disney Company might just have gotten possession of some of the secret UFO footage, and wanted Maloney to do something with it in Britain.

Maloney stated that while in Los Angeles he had dinner with the head of the Disney Studios, and four of the nine original Disney animators. Ward Kimball was one of the four at the table. During the encounter Maloney was introduced to a “well known Disney employee” who offered to show him some unusual film footage. What Maloney ended up seeing was “old footage of UFOs,” and “two beings that he was told were aliens.”  British UFO researcher Georgino Bruni described what Maloney told her about the alien footage.

One, which appeared to be dead, was laid out on a table – or slab, the other was clearly alive and moving around on the floor. He was given no information as to the source of the footage, which he was told was “top secret”, but he was in no doubt that it was a genuine piece of old film. Mike described it as being similar to the alien autopsy footage that had been shown on television. At no time did he say it was the same, just similar. Of the footage he personally viewed, he said: ‘If the film that I saw was a fake, it was a brilliant fake.’

The Maloney encounter with the alien footage in 1972 was only one event of a number of key events during the 1970s that appeared to be attempts to mold the world view of UFOs for generations to come. The rumor was that this plan was set up by Richard Nixon and that it was sidetracked by Watergate. The events that have been named as part of this molding include Close Encounters of the Third Kind and the NBC TV show The UFO Project. The key event however was the Holloman Alien Landing story, which I think is one of the most important events in UFO history.

The Alien Landing at Holloman

The Holloman story is not a crashed saucer story as such but it is a critically important story because I believe it forms the basis for understanding the MJ-12 leaks of the 1980s and the 3,000 plus pages known as the Majestic Documents that began to be leaked in the 1990s.

The story of the film is that it is the real life story of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The government figures out how to communicate with the aliens, and the aliens are directed to Holloman Air Force Base where they are greeted by base officials. The whole event is captured on film.

I believe that a full understanding of the Holloman film story would lead to a full understanding of how the government has chosen to deal with the UFO mystery behind the scenes.

I believe the attempt to release the Holloman film was orchestrated by Richard Nixon. Nixon will probably always be seen as simply the President who was brought down by the Watergate scandal. Almost everything else he did and everything he was interested in will be forgotten.

My study of the Holloman AFB story and the Nixon presidency, however, has led me to believe that when the true UFO story is finally revealed to the public, Richard Nixon will be a key player in the story of UFO disclosure and the Holloman AFB story will go down as the first real attempt to be upfront with the American public about what the government really knows.

If you have read what I have written about Nixon, you will know that there are many rumors about the fact that Nixon was fascinated with the subject of UFOs. We have the famous story how Nixon made it possible for comedian Jackie Gleason to view dead alien bodies at Homestead Air Force Base. This is a story that was first told by his second wife Beverly McKittrick, and which she has reconfirmed as being true twice in the last year.

There is a story from a very reliable source I know that Nixon actually showed some visitors pictures of dead aliens that he had in a filing cabinet in the White House.

K.T. Frankovich, a friend of Nixon, who lived near his key Biscayne southern White House, described Nixon’s interest in UFOs in a long interview with me.

He would just like to sit out on the back porch and just watch the bay – Key Biscayne Bay, and so forth. The stars would come out and the conversation would go to psychic, and then there would always be the question “Do you believe?” I would always say, “Yes, what are you crazy?

Question: In terms of psychic or UFOs?

UFOs. I would always say yah. I would always say, “What – Are you nuts? You can’t be stupid enough to believe that we are the only beings, and he would kind of chuckle. There would be questions like “What do you think they are like?” Just normal conversations and curiosity – but he never let on that he had seen Homestead – at least not to me.

The Holloman story started in 1973 when Robert Emenegger and his partner Allen Sandler were approached by the Pentagon to produce a series of documentaries on advanced projects in the military such as 3-D holography, cancer research, lasers, and the like. As a side note to these subjects, the officials also made a request for a documentary on UFOs.

Emenegger was a skeptic on UFOs but thought “Oh well.” He had no idea of what was about to happen. Emenegger had been working as an advertising executive in Los Angeles, and told me he had also worked on the 1972 re-election campaign for Richard Nixon even – though he confessed “I didn’t do anything.” The work on the re-election campaign was the only reason Emenegger could come up with as to why he had been picked for the government sponsored UFO documentary.

Emenegger, however, did have some background that fit nicely into an attempt by the government to mold the UFO story, and he did have a direct contact to President Nixon.

Emenegger had applied in 1968 to work for the United States Information Agency, which had been formed by President Eisenhower in 1953 to “centralize foreign information dissemination programs.”

The application he put in for the job stated that he had “specialized in the study of motion pictures as an instrument of propaganda – and its influence on public behavior.” He had written his graduate thesis on “The Influence of Motion Pictures on Human Behavior.” He appeared to be a perfect candidate for getting across the government message on UFOs.

In addition to his educational background Emenegger had a very strong link to the Nixon White House. He listed on his application one reference for the job – Bob Haldeman- President Nixon’s Chief of Staff who had been a member with Emenegger at the same UCLA fraternity.

One of the key government officials who negotiated the UFO documentary on behalf of the government was Col. Bill Coleman, who had been the Project Blue Book Liaison from 1961 to 1964. He later went on to produce the NBC TV show Project UFO for two years in the late 1970s.

Emenegger described the initial approach which was made during a visit to the military audio visual repository at Norton Air Force Base in California.

We went to Norton Air Force Base to discuss other things, among them 3-D moving holography, laser and cancer, all of the R&D advance research – ARPA kind of projects, and the UFO thing was brought up to us, which I just couldn’t believe, but said “Oh well – I’ll go along with it.” And one conversation led to another, a contact with the Pentagon. Everyone couldn’t have been more open about what we were doing. Anyone along the line could have questioned, and said – and I expected them to say, “Like – what the hell are you guys talking about?”

The man at Norton responsible for pulling the Holloman film and giving it to Emenegger and Sandler was Paul Shartle, the Security Manager and Chief of Requirements at the Defense Audio Visual Archives which was stationed at the base.

Years later on a show called “UFO Cover-up…Live” Shartle stated he had viewed the film and described what was on it,

Shartle: I saw footage of three disc shaped crafts. One of the crafts landed and two of them went away.

Question: Why did it land?

Shartle: It appeared to be in trouble because it oscillated all the way down to the ground. However, it did land on three pods. A sliding door opened. A ramp was extended and out came three aliens.

Question: What did they look like?

Shartle: Well they were human size, had an odd gray complexion and a pronounced nose. They wore tight fitting jump suits, thin headdresses that appeared to be communications devices, and in their hands they held a translator, I was told. A Holloman base commander and other Air Force officers went out to greet them.

Emenegger and Sandler took the film and started preparing the government’s documentary on UFOs about the stunning interaction at Holloman Air Force Base.

Some of the negotiations related to the documentary script took place at the Pentagon. Emenegger told me that when they went there everyone seemed to know who they were. They didn’t even have to sign in at the Pentagon entrance. They just walked in.

We headed for the Pentagon and we walked into the building – I remember the two of us, and for some reason we were sort of herded by two plain clothes men into a little narrow room with fluorescent lights over it and I just remember, and some man sitting behind a desk and he pointed at us and he said “We’re very concerned about you bringing up the subject of UFOs. He said it causes when people like you put these things on the air it causes the phone lines – it ties up our phone lines. It is not part of our assignment, our duty, our national defense”, and on and on. I was under these fluorescent lights watching these three plain clothes men. I thought I was going to die there for a minute.

But again my partner had enough sense to say “Heh! We were invited by Mr. Hatch by Colonel Coleman, and they said “Okay, well just a warning.” So we went of to meet Colonel Coleman. Now he’s the one that looks like Hemmingway with the beard walking through the E-ring at the Pentagon. The first thing he says to us was, “You know if you come across information or technology which is against the interest of our national defense- you can be fined and imprisoned.” So it was like warning #2.

Then we went into his inner office, and a strange thing happened. He said, “Come on boys. Sit down. Let me tell you something.”

Emenegger told me that he was a skeptic on the subject of UFOs and he was surprised at how no one disputed the story of aliens landing and talking to base officials at Holloman. He said the conversation was no different than negotiating any other film he had ever obtained.

Well they all had a chance. As a matter of fact, you know, one of our agreements was to go over the script at the Pentagon, and if there was any question about anything they had the right to ask about it. Strangely enough, no one even questioned the thing about the landing at Holloman Air Force Base – like, “Well OK.”

The two producers were passed from person to person in the Pentagon, and everyone seemed serious and laid back about the project.

It all unfolded. One would call another. For instance Coleman said “Hold on” as we were sitting in his office. He would put a call into (General) George (Weinbrenner) and say, “Do you want to talk to these guys?” A day later I think we went down into the bunker, and there confronted George. I couldn’t have – I think I was pretty straightforward. First question was, “What about the landing of the alien craft at Holloman Air Force base.”  He kind of went “Yah, well, I’ll tell you.”

Emenegger went ahead with the UFO documentary and like Disney just before they were to proceed they got a phone call from Coleman saying the government had changed their mind and they would not be allowed to use the Holloman alien segment in the documentary. Like Disney they were forced to use recreations about an incident that might occur in the future, even though they knew it had occurred in the past. The film was transported back to the Pentagon.

Emenegger and Sandler were given other explosive things for the documentary such as the story of Francis Swan that I discussed earlier. Arthur Lundahl allowed himself to be interviewed by Emenegger and confirmed that the story had taken place. He wouldn’t appear on camera though, and the film producers were left with just another story.

Emenegger stated that they were given many other films as well, which were also pulled. One example was,

We were given a film – Top Secret- it was still Top Secret on it – Quintanilla’s name was on it, of a launching at Vandenberg of which three cameras followed the one missile take-off. Behind it you saw two little white – looked like transparent moons sort of just trailing and following it their way but from every camera – no matter what position – so it wasn’t a reflection. We had Bob Baker who was the guy who did the 1952 Robertson Panel guy. Anyway Bob Baker was very well known at that time. So he came in and analyzed it and said it’s a million to one that it’s anything but – its not Venus – it’s not a reflection – it’s this – it’s unknown stuff.

I asked Emenegger is he thought President Nixon was behind the attempt to disclose using the documentary. Emenegger said that this was a possibility and that after the film was pulled he had even asked his friend Bob Haldeman if he knew anything about the landing of aliens at Holloman. In a Q& A session in a Houston lecture, Emenegger spelled out his belief about what had really happened when asked if he had been used to acclimatize the public on UFOs.

Q: Are they trying to slowly get our minds ready?

A: As to why they pulled that. I can’t really tell you. It was during the end of the Nixon regime. I even ran into Bob Haldeman who I knew, who was in our fraternity at UCLA, but was ahead of me, and I remember having a conversation if he had ever heard about a landing at Holloman Air Force Base. He kind of said he kind of remembered something, but that didn’t go anywhere.

I don’t know if it was a complete concerted effort to cooperate with us, or if someone at the very last. I assume there are people – I understood there was one General who wasn’t particularly happy about what we were doing, and he could have stopped. As what happens in a lot of cases you go up to a point and you go up to your commanding officer and he says “don’t go any further with it. I will handle it.”

Robert Emenegger asked Colonel Coleman why the film had been pulled many times. Each time he asked Coleman would have a different answer. He stated that it had been pulled because the camera crew had used special lenses that they didn’t want the Russians to know about. On another occasion he stated the government didn’t have diplomatic relations with the aliens, and therefore couldn’t release the film. At one point according to Emenegger,

Bill once joked with me, “One day I’ll take you out on a boat and tell you what it really was, but then afterwards, I’ll have to kill you.”

There is much more I could say about this amazing story but let me end the Nixon segment by saying that in a conversation with Linda Howe she told me that during a visit to Emenegger in Los Angeles he had showed her a letter that he had received from President Nixon.

What Linda recalled the letter indicated that Nixon knew exactly what was going on and he was thanking Emenegger for his part in the documentary. As Emenegger had never discussed this, I immediately phoned Bob and asked him if he had gotten a letter from Nixon. He said that he did, but he thought the letter had more to do with his work for the re-election campaign, “even though” said Emenegger, “I didn’t do anything.”

I immediately filed a Freedom of Information request with the National Archives and they confirmed they had material in the Nixon files on Emenegger. Alas, when the material arrived, the letter Emenegger confirmed receiving had gone the way of the missing 18 minutes on the Watergate audio tape.

The missing letter did; however, seem to confirm that it could not have been a simple letter thanking Emenegger for the re-election effort. There would have been no reason to destroy that one.

President Jimmy Carter

Other Presidents have tried to release the UFO story to the American public. Jimmy Carter, for example, asked for the hidden UFO files when he received his intelligence briefings as President elect. The briefing was given by George Bush senior who told him that if he wanted the files he would have to go to the House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee to get them declassified.

Carter was determined to get the UFO truth to the public, but his ability to release was limited by national security considerations which he had promised abide by related to UFOs. Carter explained the situation in one interview.

I don’t see any reason to keep information like that secret but there may be some aspect of the UFO information with which I am not familiar that might be related to some secret experiments that we doing that might involve our national security –our new weapons systems. I certainly wouldn’t release that. But if it was something removed from our national security, in my opinion as President I would go ahead and release that. I see nothing wrong with that.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that President Carter did not fulfill his promise to release the UFOs files, the record shows  that Carter did go to the House and was able to expose the classified files if only for a day.

The person that got to see the files on behalf of the President was Daniel Sheehan, who at the time the Chief Council to the Jesuit Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Sheehan had originally been contacted to obtain the Vatican UFO files for two studies on UFOs that President Carter had requested.

I was contacted by Marcia Smith, the head of the Science and Technology Division of the Congressional Research Service, to see if I  as chief counsel for the United States Jesuit Headquarters in Washington D.C.  International Social Ministry Office could obtain access to the Vatican Library section that had the information about extraterrestrial intelligence and the UFOs in the Vatican Library in Rome. I agreed to do that as a special consultant to the Congressional Research Service.

After two attempts Sheehan was unable to get the files for the presidential studies, but he was given a second project by Marcia Smith who was writing the report.

Sheehan was asked to give a lecture to the top 50 SETI people inside the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the “Religious Implications of Extraterrestrial Contact with Earth.”

In order to prepare for the lecture Sheehan requested the classified Blue Book files for review. Marcia Smith worked on the request and Sheehan was eventually told to report to the basement of the new Library of Congress Madison Building. Sheehan described what happened.

Back in 1977, when I was asked to participate as a special consultant to the Library of Congress research group analysis for President Carter, I was given access to the Project Blue Book files – the classified sections of them – during the preparation for a seminar which I was asked to present to the top 50 scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California in the SETI program. In that context I was allowed to review the classified sections of the Blue Book Project.

In that section I came across absolutely clear pictures – photographs -of a UFO that was on the ground. It had apparently crashed. It was stuck in the stuck in the side of an embankment. There was snow all around in the photographs, and there were United States Air Force personnel in the photograph measuring this particular craft – taking photographs of it.

Sheehan reported the two studies were completed by Marcia Smith, and that he got to read them before they were sent to the House Science and Technology Committee. The first one on extraterrestrial intelligence concluded that there were visiting ET races.

She (Marcia Smith) went forward and supervised two of the final studies. The first study reached the conclusion – this was an official United States government Congressional Research Service report that was prepared by the Congressional Research Service Science and Technology Division and sent to the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Representatives, who in turn sent it to the President. In this report they concluded that there were from two to six – at least- from two to six highly technological intelligent civilizations other than on our planet here in our galaxy.

The second study on UFOs, according to Sheehan, stated that a certain percentage of UFOs represented these two to six extraterrestrial races.

And secondly, they prepared a full report on the UFO phenomena. It actually had diagrams of all the different shaped UFO craft that were there, and in fact projected that it appeared to be that in a certain number of cases, and they indicated that from 5% to 6% of these cases – of these sightings – that there was absolutely no other rational explanation for these phenomena, given the caliber of the witnesses, the caliber of the collaboration of the sightings, to lead to any other conclusion than the fact that they appeared to be coming from one or more of these two to six extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

There was further confirmation that Carter did get the UFO facts, but was unable to release it to the public. This came from a comment made by Carter’s friend, actress Shirley MacLaine, when she appeared on the Larry King Live Show in May of 1995.

Actor Nicholas Cage had been on the David Letterman Show a couple weeks before, and during his interview he stated that Shirley MacLaine had told him that President Carter had told her that he had gained access to the crashed saucers and dead alien bodies.

When MacLaine appeared on Larry King Live she was faced with a question about what Cage had said. In reply to the question which came from a Florida caller Shirley stated that Carter had tried but couldn’t release the information.

“He told me many times that when I first wrote “Out on a Limb” that he would support me, that it was true, that there were occupants. Why should we be the only people in the universe? He wanted to shine the sunshine laws on intelligence, to expose it, to see how the people would react, but he didn’t and wouldn’t and couldn’t, as he explained to me.”

Another confirmation of the fact that Carter did get to the UFO secret and was unable to release it to the public came from a story that was being researched  a few years back by PBS in Washington D.C. The story centered on a man by the name of Jack McGeorge who was a counter terrorism specialist and secret service agent inside the Carter White House.

According to the story that had been researched by Harry Lebelson, then the UFO editor at OMNI magazine, McGeorge claimed to have been in a UFO briefing that had been give to President Carter. Shortly before he died, Lebelson gave a lecture in which he told the McGeorge’s story of what happened inside the Carter UFO briefing.

Jack McGeorge was a member of the Special Forces Green Beret who now runs a school for the anti-terrorist tactics, and for the preparation of presidential body guards. I came to know Jack McGeorge vicariously through one of my contacts. This contact, also a member of the Special Forces Green Beret, had been in Vietnam, and when returning from Vietnam after serving his time went into the reserves. Camp Drum was a location in which members of the Green Beret Special Forces were trained at least twice a year just to keep up their proficiency. It was at one of these training sessions that lasted about two weeks that my contact met Jack Mc George. Jack McGeorge and he immediately took a liking to each other and became fast friends. They would go out drinking at night. Jack McGeorge held an incredible position in the Carter White House. He was advisor for National and International Terrorism and his office was located one floor below that of Jimmy Carter. What’s unique about Jack McGeorge is that he also a member of the Secret Service, and he was the first member of the Secret Service other than the head of the Secret Service to ever have witnessed a presidential briefing on UFOs.

The reason that Jack McGeorge was allowed in the presidential briefing is because during his tenure at the White House he had struck up a friendship with Jimmy Carter. Carter considered him a close friend and confided in him on confidential matters at least twice a day. So upon Carter’s insistence despite of protestations from the National Security Agency, McGeorge was admitted to the briefing session on UFOs given to Jimmy Carter. There were two briefings given to President Carter and Jack McGeorge attended at least the initial briefing.

McGeorge told my contact basically what goes with the briefing and I would like to give you that information to the best of my ability. Once the President was in the room seated at a table – McGeorge at another table. A member of the NSA would give an overall briefing on the phenomena stating its historical characteristics and bringing it up to the present time. At that point a number of documents describing the evolutionary habits of the beings, the reasons they were here, and other matters of that consequence were shown to Jimmy Carter. The next thing to be shown to Jimmy Carter was a 15 minute film taken at Holloman Air Force Base in which UFO inhabitants and military personal made physical contact. It was a color film. After that that would be followed by some more briefing and talks by National Security people, and basically that was the end of the briefing.

President Ronald Reagan

Like Nixon it appeared that Reagan had attempted to get out some of the UFO facts using back door clock and dagger methods.

About the same time Reagan was coming into office a researcher by the name of Bill Moore was publishing the first revealing book on the Roswell crash called “The Roswell Incident.” The topic was suddenly popular and Moore gained a lot of credibility for his research efforts.

While Moore was on the speaking tour for the book he, like Disney and Emenegger before him, received an offer to of UFO information that would help to unravel the mystery for the public.

Greg Bishop, a close friend of Moore’s, and a speaker here last year, described how the contact was made.

As a result of these books, and him going on some kind of publicity tour for them, he was called at a couple places on his trip by somebody at a nearby Air Force Base. Once in Omaha Nebraska, and once when he was in Albuquerque. And it turns out that the person who called him when he was in Albuquerque and said “You know we think you really know what you are talking about and we would like to talk to you.” -that person was Richard Doty it turns out to be. He set up a meeting with Bill Moore. What a lot of people don’t know is that the first time they met. He met in an Albuquerque restaurant with this guy that became known as the Falcon, and he will still not divulge this person’s real name. Neither will Richard Doty or anyone else.

This guy (Falcon) who turns out to have worked for the DIA – Defense Intelligence Agency which is like the military CIA. He presented Moore with a deal. He said, “If you will cooperate with us,” (and he didn’t tell him what that cooperation was- the nature of it) “then we will give you what you are looking for which is UFO information from the government – as much as we can release to you, and we will do that over a period of years if you cooperate with us.”

And he (Moore) said “well OK, I guess so – it sounds good – sure.”

In an interview on Bishop’s radio show, Moore described how the game of getting UFO information from the government was played.

You know when you are approached and essentially recruited into something and you’re given a choice – you’re either in or you’re out. You really don’t know what you are getting into because they don’t really tell you very much about you are getting into. It’s sort of a step thing. It’s one step at a time. You just get lured in further and further into it, and at any point you can get out of it – and if you do you do. That’s the way it is.

Q: There’s no such thing as you are in so far you can’t get out?

Well I don’t know about that. There wasn’t for me. I was a little bit careful about how I did things. But in any case you are faced with a choice like that and someone says “We would like you to involve yourself in this counterintelligence thing,” basically that is what it was, and you have a choice – either you are in or you are not in.

If you are not in you don’t know anything. If you are in then you seen where it goes. Well, of course what do you do? I chose to go with it. I guess I’m really glad I did. If I had it to do over again I would probably do the same thing, and I think most people would if they were approached in the same way I was and given the choice would have opted into it. Virtually any UFO researcher worth his salt would have. Why me? – I don’t know. I didn’t make that choice as to why me. I had the choice to make – Yes it will be me or no it won’t be me.

What came out of Moore’s contact with the government were a number of important things about how the government had covered up and controlled the ET presence. The main thing Moore received that people here would know is the MJ-12 document and the Cutler Twinning memo.

Many have concluded that this document is a fraud, and yet many of the same researchers accept the concept described in the document of a small cabal, independent of the government. The MJ-12 concept has become a key component of the modern Ufological world view, based on a leaked document. Prior to the MJ-12 document, ufologists believed it was the Air Force that was running the show.

Say what you will, we have had a number of confirmations of the MJ-12 group from a number of different sources. Let me add one that you won’t have heard.

Earlier this spring while speaking at a convention I was approached by a man and his girlfriend. I was told by the man that he worked in the National Archives in the classified vault. He stated that his girlfriend was very interested in UFOs, and that in being around the field for a while he had become interested in the MJ-12 document controversy.

Having a blanket Q clearance, and being the guy who actually declassified the documents, he be began to watch for documents that might talk about MJ-12 or documents where MJ-12 was noted as being in the distribution list for the document. He asked me where he should look to find such documents.

I really couldn’t answer his question so I asked Stanton Friedman and passed on what Stan recommended. When I was speaking at the X-conference in Washington I arranged to meet with this man and his girlfriend. We met at the National Archives and went to meet his girlfriend. We spent a whole evening discussing the search for MJ-12.

He told me a number of things which add to our understanding of MJ-12,

  • The MJ-12 designator is not on a classified list of designators. It would therefore be releasable if found.
  • He had not yet found a document, and if he did he would only declassify it if it did not have any other security restrictions.
  • He had all the other members of his team promise they would alert him if they found a document with MJ-12 on it.
  • Although he had not yet found any MJ-12 documents, he did have a friend who had done declassification on the records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This man stated he had seen documents with MJ-12 on them. I was given his first name.
  • He stated that he had been up to the stacks and his opinion was that the Cutler Twinning document appeared legit. He stated many reasons including the fact that the document had been put in a plastic sleeve, indicating that the archives was treating it as a legitimate document.
  • Asked if he believed there were people in the archives searching for MJ-12 documents to destroy, he said no. Based on his years in the vault he believed there were still some MJ-12 documents scattered about.

So, was the MJ-12 concept part of an effort by the Reagan administration to release information and mold the ufological world view? Consider the following stories that seem to support that notion.

In 1983 Robert Emenegger, who had produced the UFO documentary UFOs Past, Present, and Future in 1974 for the government was approached again by Colonel Coleman. Coleman stated that the government wanted Emenegger to do another UFO documentary.

Emenegger immediately asked who was behind this new plan. Was this coming from President Reagan? Emenegger stated that there was no denial and no answer. Once again Coleman and others made offers of all sorts of films that the government wanted released to the public.

In an interview with me, Emenegger told me about the new UFO documentary offer. He was directed to meet with the two top men at the Defense Audio Visual Agency (DAVA) at Norton Air Force Base who were offering up the UFO films. Both men were Reagan appointees and rabid UFO buffs. One of the men, General Glen Miller, turned out to be the man who had gotten Reagan his first acting job in Hollywood. Emenegger described the encounter.

You do now – I don’t know if it was in the book maybe not – that during the Reagan administration I met with Bob Scott and Miller. At Norton, and they wanted another program like we had done, and we spent a lot of time discussing it. Bob Scott was a Reagan appointee. He was the head of USIA when I first met him – Bruce Hershenson – I don’t know if you know who Bruce was in Washington? That’s how I knew him. Then he popped up as the head of DAVA – that film repository. He had a Glen E. Millar, retired General, as his aide, or second in command. We spent a lot of discussion about- there was stuff in the vault that he wanted to get out. I even had General Miller come to our house to meet Hynek and his group to take them out to Norton so they could look around. Miller was, interestingly enough, was head of one of the studios in Hollywood – one of the old ones, and got Reagan his first contract.

The catch to this documentary deal was that government officials wanted J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee to be involved in the documentary and to give it their blessing. Emenegger described Hynek being brought to Norton and being offered the film.

Anyway, after Hynek came here, and he wanted to see UFO footage, and I think they started pulling it out, and Shartle came in stepped in – now I hope you have the characters correct. Miller said to him, “I want you to show Hynek all the UFO footage.”

Shartle told me that he said, “I’m sorry, Sir, you know – you will have to give me a written request for that.”

The answer came back, “Listen, I’ll have your ass. You’re going to do it.”

I was not there to know all this craziness that went on, but I do know that three months later Casper Weinberger sent a telegram relieving both Scott and Miller of their posts. Why I don’t know. I don’t even know if it was related.

Vallee, however, was “negative and skeptical” about the offer to release the UFO films being offered by Miller and Scott. He and Hynek felt that if the government wanted the film released all they had to do is go and offer it to an organization like the National Academy of Sciences. They felt that the offer of the UFO films was another attempt by the government to mislead the public, and they refused to buy into the conditions that had been set out by General Miller and Colonel Coleman. Without the support of Vallee and Hynek the deal fell apart and the documentary was never finished.

Linda Howe was another researcher who was offered films, exclusive interviews, and documents. Like Moore she was told the story of MJ-12. These offers were made starting in 1983 as well. She dealt with many of the same people that Moore and Emenegger were dealing with.

Linda had just produced an Emmy Award winning documentary, A Strange Harvest, on the cattle mutilation phenomena that was haunting the farmers in the western United States. Through a series of contacts she was called for a meeting in the Kirkland Air Force Base office of Air Force Office of Special Investigations Special Agent Richard Doty.

At the time of her contact with Doty she was preparing a UFO documentary for Home Box Office (HBO). He intended to interview Doty related to some UFO events that he had been involved with. What she got was something much different.

She stated that Doty began the interview by telling her that “government people” in Washington were very upset with her cattle mutilation documentary. Then after asking Linda to sit in a chair situated in the middle of the room, he presented her with a document that purported to be a UFO briefing document for the President of the United States.

He (Doty) said my superiors have asked me to show you a document that you can read. You cannot take notes, and I want you to move from the chair you are sitting in – I want you to move to the chair in the center of the room…but as I look at that page which was dramatically all caps, typing where the type is in the paper. It said – each line was centered on the page- “BRIEFING DOCUMENT FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON THE SUBJECT OF UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL VEHICLES.”

In addition to this document Doty offered Linda thousands of feet of black and white and color film “between 1947 and 1964 showing crashed discs and extraterrestrial bodies.” In addition she was offered the now infamous Holloman Air Force Base film for use in the HBO documentary.

Just like Disney and Emenegger, there were delays in producing the film. Doty then stated the historic film could not be released until a future date because of “political delays.”  Without the promised film, HBO pulled the plug on the UFO project. When confronted Doty stated the government would still like to release the Holloman and crashed saucer films, but do it through PBS as they had better control over that network. Howe told me how the government planned to control the documentary she wanted to do.

They don’t want me to go forward with HBO. They want me to go forward with PBS. Well in this process he is saying how much would you take, and would you be willing to work exclusively on a military base?

And I remember saying, “Look, if you guys want to hire me to edit film and be part of a production that says this is a production of the United States government, I’m happy to do that. But I’m not going to put my name on a film that I have done if everything about it is 100% controlled by the United States government. I can’t do that.

Howe had many offers from other branches of the government during the Reagan administration. They all claimed they wanted the UFO truth to get out. At one point she even got an offer to an exclusive interview with the last surviving member of the MJ-12 group.

Well I think he was an original MJ-12er, and I believe he would have been the last on the list of the original twelve. That is my understanding of who somebody was trying to get me to meet with. I am saying I was supposed to have had a dialogue with one of the original MJ-12.

After writing his best selling 1987 book Communion Whitley Strieber was contacted to communicate a similar message to what Linda Howe and Robert Emenegger were given. Whitley told what he was offered and why he chose to turn it down.

I was approached by a retired officer from the Air Force Office of Secret Intelligence with all kinds of stories, about how the government had taken 16mm film of an alien that they had done an operation on in 1952 which enabled it to talk through otherwise atrophied vocal cords. A story that struck me as . . . I wouldn’t have written it as fiction because it was too ridiculous. They tried to make me believe that aliens had claimed that they had something to do with creation of Jesus Christ and all sorts of ridiculous things which if I had gone out into the public with would have make me look like a fool.

The live alien story was pushed early and often during the Reagan administration. It was also the theme of the movie ET: The Extraterrestrial, which was screened for Reagan at the White House in 1982.

Most people know that near the end of the screening Reagan leaned over to Spielberg and stated, “I bet there aren’t six people in this who room who know how true this whole thing is.” There were 37 people in the room presenting some of the most powerful people in the country.

A couple months after the ET screening, Reagan pushed the idea a bit further when he traveled to the old Army Air Base at Roswell New Mexico. There in front of the west hanger where it was rumored they had stored the Roswell crash bodies before flying them out, Reagan made a campaign speech for Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt where he made a passing reference to ET in the opening lines.

It is not surprising then that researchers were approached during the Reagan years and the point was hammered home – we had and still do have a live alien.

Bill Moore for example was being told that the government had a live alien that had actually written a book called the Yellow Book which told the history of the alien interaction on earth throughout history.

Linda Howe was first told of a live alien that was recovered in a 1949 crash in her April 1983 meeting with Richard Doty. A few years later she received an interview with “the keeper” of the first captured live alien. This military officer had actually lived with a live alien captured in a late 1940s UFO crash. He died in 1952, and the officer had been with him the whole time. Like Disney, Emenegger, and others the interview deal was pulled at the last moment.

It was in all these discussions about my being able to go to where this man was in a hospital in Texas with prostrate cancer to talk with him directly, because I said even if I could tape record him, this is too valuable. Those were real discussions. In that process this man was identified as one of people so valuable because he was able to get these telepathic thoughts.

Q: This was an offer made to you. Is Richard Doty making you this offer?

No it came in a completely different way. It came in a FedEx proposal to me – where I would go – who would meet me – How I would be able to interview a man who was dying and who had stayed with the Eben at Los Alamos.

I got an airline ticket! I had an airline ticket!

Q: You bought it or they bought it?

I bought it. He was dying of prostrate cancer in a hospital in Texas, and I was so serious from this communication that I got an airline ticket – paid for it to go. It was I think the night before the morning I was to leave I got a call that said “We’re sorry – he says it’s off.”

And I said “Why?” And he says “He just says it’s off.”

Robert Emenegger was being offered an interview, by Paul Shartle who had been in charge of the UFO films at the DAVA, with a live alien which was being held in New Mexico.

That’s not right. You’re right. Someone did say you can meet an alien down in New Mexico.

Paul Shartle once asked me if I would be interested in going down to like New Mexico, to meet with- you know- some alien. This sounds like what you are talking about, although it never came about.


The examples I have shown about how the various White Houses might have built our world view of UFOs through various leaks are only the tip of the iceberg. There are scores of other examples such as the thousands of pages of leaked documents that Bob and Ryan Wood are now researching.

I will let the Woods tell the story of what they have got, and how it ties into an official policy to slowly disclose the history of government handling of the ET presence.

Most of the Majestic Twelve documents were leaked under the Clinton administration. I have not yet found an indication that Clinton had anything to do with it. There are no stories I am aware of that indicate Bill Clinton had been given the UFO truth. This is despite the fact that many things happened during the Clinton administration which shows that Bill and Hillary had a strong interest in the subject. Some examples are;

  • Webster Hubbell stated in his 1997 book “Friends in High Places” that Clinton had asked him to go out and investigate UFOs.
  • The Roswell book “UFO Crash at Roswell” was found in Bill Clinton’s personal library during the Monica Lewinski investigation.
  • Clinton talked more about UFOs than any other President. On my website I have an article called “President’s UFO Talk” in which I refer to at least 26 incidents during the presidency that Bill or Hillary Clinton spoke publicly about UFOs or aliens.
  • Both researchers William LaParl and Derrel Sims claimed to have been approached indirectly by Hillary Clinton looking for UFO information.
  • Clinton had an understanding of UFO history. One example of this is that he was familiar with the Reagan alien invasion remark and brought it up many times. To a group of schools for example he said, “If we were being attacked by space aliens, like in that movie, “Independence Day,” we’d all be looking for a foxhole to get in together and a gun to pick up together. The absence of a threat sometimes causes us to lose our sense of focus, our center, our concentration… And what I’m saying is — you all laughed when I said this before, I referenced that movie, “Independence Day” — but, you know, if we were being attacked by space aliens, we wouldn’t be playing these kind of games. These kinds of games are only possible because the economy is strong and the American people are self-confident…”

Yet despite the remarks it appears that Bill Clinton may not have been fully briefed on the subject. According to a remark quoted to long time Washington White House reporter Sarah McClendon, Clinton reportedly stated when asked why he didn’t do something about UFOs, “There’s a secret government within the government and I don’t control it.”

So who’s briefed?

So if Bill Clinton wasn’t briefed who was and what are they told. Ford and Bush Sr. have admitted off the record that they were briefed. They have further admitted that the Holloman Air Force Base film was part of the briefing.

Richard Nixon almost certainly seemed to have been apart of effort to get the Holloman film out into the public, so it appears that the showing of the Holloman film at the presidential UFO briefing was his idea. Nixon definitely knew what was going on.

Harry Lebelson stated independently that he had been told by Secret Service agent McGeorge that the Holloman film was part of a Carter UFO briefing. Carter therefore did get told some of what was going on after forcing the issue. He attempted to get it out but couldn’t.

Reagan had two personal UFO sightings, and made the bizarre comment about how few people knew that ET: The Extraterrestrial was a true story, so I am sure he was told at least some of the story. One source, Jon Hunter, told me, however, that Reagan had told him that (like Clinton) he had no control over it.

George W. Bush made a joke about the UFO link to Roswell when he was visiting there in January of 2004, so he must have received some of briefing telling him what was going on. I doubt, however, that he spends more than five minutes a month thinking about the subject.

I change my opinion often on the subject of presidential UFO knowledge. What I would say today is that all the Presidents except perhaps Clinton knew the basic facts of what is known about UFOs and crashed saucers. Based on the fact that Carter, Reagan, and Clinton all reported said they had no control over what was being done, I would conclude that the President is bound by many factors, such as security oaths and a lack of public interest and support, which keep him quite and subservient on the issue.

John McCain, UFOs, and the 2008 Election

Written by Billy Cox
Monday, 04 June 2007 06:00
Time for some straight talk?

Recently, on the 10th anniversary of the so-called Phoenix Lights, former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington uncorked a surprise for everyone who he had once ridiculed.

Contrary to appearances a decade ago, Symington now admits that he did, indeed, see the same massive UFO that blew the minds of countless fellow Arizonans on the night of March 13, 1997.

Back then, the explanation that dispersed the media was that witnesses had simply mistaken military flares for a UFO. (Never mind that sightings of a V-shaped formation of mounted lights cruising south along the I-17 corridor began occurring long before the military exercises.)

“It was dramatic,” Symington finally confessed to journalist Leslie Kean, sounding much like the hundreds of eyewitnesses who had contacted a Phoenix City Council member. “And it couldn’t have been flares because it was too symmetrical. It had a geometric outline, a constant shape.”

Wow. Too bad Symington didn’t have the stones to come clean when it might’ve counted. Symington’s idea of leadership back then was to mock eyewitnesses by dressing up an aide in an ET costume, steering him to a press conference in handcuffs, and pronouncing the mystery solved.

Hysterical, man. Original, too.

But wait a minute. Now that one Arizona pol has set the record straight, maybe the next move is up to John McCain’s “Straight Talk Express.” He’s clearly got enough clout to make Air Force authorities testify under oath about those “routine” jet fighter missions on the night of 3/13/97.

Better yet, he’d have public opinion solidly behind him. A 2002 Roper Poll indicated 72 percent of Americans believe the government is withholding UFO data. McCain’s still a maverick, right? He can own this story.


Just kidding about ‘Straight Talk’

bildeJust kidding about goading John McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” into investigating the Phoenix Lights. That’s an unfair burden to impose on any public servant torn between constituent obligations and getting elected.

During his presidential bid in 2003, retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark made the mistake of going off-script and saying that he thought humans could someday exceed the speed of light.

Between the “General Moonbat” media smirks and late-night comic fodder, Clark’s campaign was pretty much toast after that (David Letterman: “Today, Clark time-traveled to the Democratic convention and found out he wasn’t nominated because of stupid time-traveling remarks.”)

And you don’t get a pass long after you’ve left office, either.

In February, 83-year-old former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer advocated the declassification of American UFO data under the assumption that harnessing alleged alien propulsion technology could end the global economy’s dependence on polluting fossil fuels.

“If you think this is kooky, then correct yourself,” retorted Rush Limbaugh p– no stranger himself to contradictory positions — from his radio pulpit in March. “This is emblematic of the entire global warming movement, folks. It’s no more outrageous and it’s just as credible as this whole carbon offsets scam.”

Global warming and UFOs – now there’s a radioactive linkage sure to knock environmental fence-straddlers back into their 10 miles-a-gallon Hummers.

So until they start making Brooks Brothers suits out of Kevlar, a politician who talks about opening the books on UFOs is either a) committing career suicide, or b) attempting to regain the confidence of more than 70 percent of Americans (see 6/4/07).

Hmm. Come to think of it, that’s almost as high a percentage as Americans who think we should be allowed to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada (84 percent, 2002 Harris poll).

Congress laughed that off, too.


Hillary/Richardson UFO Ticket?

Written by Billy Cox
Friday, 15 June 2007 06:00
Depending on who you read, the number of registered lobbyists in Washington, D.C., is between 11,000 and 39,402.

Don’t ask.

What you can take to the bank is this: Only one of them is trying to persuade Congress to pry the lid of secrecy off UFOs. Predictably, he doesn’t have a whole lot of bribe money , er, spending money, to toss around.

His name is Stephen Bassett, and he’s the executive director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee, or X-PPAC, at www.x-ppac.org.

Not a lot of water in that desert so far. During his first year in office, President George W. Bush signaled his contempt for disclosing even the most innocuous formalities of history with Executive Order 13233. That one revoked the Presidential Records Act of 1978, a congressionally mandated, Watergate-era reform allowing public access to most presidential papers a dozen years after the end of any given regime.

While waiting for the Bush-Cheney term to expire, Bassett puts the best odds for UFO openness in the next administration on a Hillary Clinton/Bill Richardson ticket.

The Clintons flirted with the issue in the 1990s, even meeting with Laurance Rockefeller at a time when the late billionaire was distributing UFO briefing papers in political circles. Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell revealed in his autobiography how Bill Clinton had dispatched him on an unsuccessful mission to bring new details to light. In 2002, former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta held a press conference demanding the U.S. “open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs.”

And just last year, responding to the longstanding skepticism by his fellow New Mexicans of government explanations about an alleged crash in 1947, Richardson contributed his own advocacy for openness to a book called “The Roswell Dig Diaries”:

“It would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows… The American people can handle the truth, no matter how bizarre or mundane, and contrary to what you see in the movies.”

No doubt the media will be all over this stuff in the primaries.